1. So I guess the staff is okay with cyberbullying.

    I had made a thread earlier stating how horrible the community is and how I quit the game altogether because of it.

    It got deleted. This basically shred any part of hope I had for the WoW community. I would've thought someone would be sympathetic, especially the staff.

    But alas, that doesn't seem to be a thing around here. Go ahead and ban me.
    Edited: March 24, 2016

  2. In the words of Tyler:

    "Hahahahahahahah How The **** Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahha ***** Just Walk Away From The Screen Like ***** Close Your Eyes Haha"

    We live in a society that has more oppression and sensitivity that we don't know what to do with it.

  3. If you are being harassed, you should be reporting it in a ticket in-game to a GM and putting the person on your ignore list. Use the proper channels to handle the issue, not making threads like this. Making a thread about how you quit the game, ranting about how terrible the community is, etc. is not an acceptable use of the forum. Persistence in making further threads about this will only result in the revoking of your posting privileges.

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