1. transfer wow from windows 10 to Mac

    There is anyway to transfer wow from a windows 10 wow folder to a Mac, in attempt to save ui addons macros and all setting ?

  2. Copy all folders from WoW folder (You can skip "data" folder.) to USB stick.
    When you install new WoW copy... Simply replace all folders with the folders that you have on USB stick.

    Everything should be the same as of the time you made the copy on USB.. (Addons, etc..)

    Most important folders are WTF, Interface. <<< These save your char settings and addons setting for each char.
    Edited: June 14, 2023

  3. Copy all folders from WoW folder (You can skip "data" folder.) to USB stick.
    When you install new WoW copy... Simply replace all folders with the folders that you have on USB stick.

    Everything should be the same as of the time you made the copy on USB.. (Addons, etc..)

    Most important folders are WTF, Interface. <<< These save your char settings and addons setting for each char.
    Ty for answer. So I have to dl it first in Mac, then remplace the file with the windows wow folder ? Or I can simply put my windows wow into a usb disk and put it on my Mac ?

  4. Copy from old device to USB. (Where you where playing before...)
    I said skip the "DATA" folder mainly because it's size is very big.. And it doesn't do anything. (When you download new copy of wow.. The DATA folder will be the same.)

    Step by step how to:
    Plug USB in old computer > Open WoW folder > Copy all folders accept DATA.(The yellow folders..) into USB > Disconnect USB

    NEW computer > Download WoW from website > When download finished open the "NEW" WoW folder > Connect USB > Replace all folders from NEW WoW folder with ones from USB (You delete all folders that you just downloaded and replace them from USB.)

    USB have the needed folders.. You simply replace them with just downloaded ones. (Just downloaded WoW has "empty" folders - no settings saved/nothing. So you replace them with old ones..)

    You take from old computer and replace them into new one. (WTF/Interface - all settings/addons saved.) Some people also have sounds changed and so on.. That's why i said to copy all folders.. Except DATA.
    Edited: June 14, 2023

  5. once again ty, but there is no link for download wotlk for Mac in warmane download page, that why I ask if Mac and windows have same files so I can take my wow folder from windows pc to Mac

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