1. New player looking for WoW's original experience

    Morning/afternoon/night lads! I need help with some information here. (english is not my main language)

    [ Story time (skip this if you want): Since i was little i would see WoW arround the internet and i always wanted to play it. But thanks to my age back then and to my country, i was never abled to.
    I was finally abled to back on September/2014, before Warlords of Draenor's launch. Since then i've been dropping and comming back to the game, creating new characters, always playing alone and stuff. After almost 2 years i've finally got to level 100 and got myself hooked into the game and lore.
    However, i keep feeling sad because i was not part of the game's golden age and what i'm playing is just a shadow of what it used to be, not as good as. ]

    After hitting 100 for the first time i found out that the old raids are not balanced for level 100 as i thought they would be! Instead, they are just abandoned and i can go there, alone once again and insta-kill everything...
    I want to have the original experience that i couldn't have, but i don't think i'm abled to adapt that into the game like using low level gear or gathering other level 70~80 players for TBC/WOTLK content.

    I want to know from you guys: Will i be able to get at least something close to what i want here on Warmane? Are there people who still do the raids? Are there sociable welcoming people prehearps willing to help me with this close-to-emotional problem related to WoW? I feel insecure about leaving the original game...

    I'll be waiting for replies, hopefully someone shows up.

    Good health, long life.

  2. You will never go back to those "golden times", people love tbc/wotlk/vanilla because back then they were nubies and everything was new for them, thats what made those times beautiful.

    Wotlk here is working pretty good, you might be happy with it, but its still nothing special, my friend got over 5.8k GS in a matter of 2 weeks, without donating.

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