1. Flames of Galakrond

    Dear warmane staff
    is it possible to get some info regarding a little bug but with grate importance :) There have been already 3 reports of it ( http://prntscr.com/dndn44 ) and more than 4 months have passed and its still not working as it should. It was noted also in changelog ( http://image.prntscr.com/image/fd509...0636d5c694.png ) that it was corrected and still its not working , its a great wall for pve in soo which most of the raids face and cant overcome. We would appreciate to hear your opinion on this topic . ( just for referance im going to leave this here so that people that havent yet reached it would know what to expect at its current condition https://i.gyazo.com/879b05bc2fc1a5a1...f885f9ae82.gif ).
    Edited: December 24, 2016 Reason: bonus info

  2. Hey,

    I can't fix the issue but I can help your group with several tips.

    As I can see you are managing to get the boss down that means your group DPS is good enough to bring the boss down, you just need to be very precise with your raid cooldowns.

    How the boss is scripted currently - if you do not do the mechanics properly your raid will get 1 shotted. As I can see from the GIF that you provided that seems to be the issue. If the ball does not pass through all the players in the raid(except the tank) you will receive more than 20 million damage!

    Tip 1 - when you get the boss down make sure all your range dps + healers are stacked at a medium dps/healing range.

    Tip 2 - After the boss is down start doing the mechanics properly. Whoever is targeted by Flames of Galakrond needs to move behind your stacked group. Make sure that your melee dps opens your eyes and reacts fast enough when the ball targets them !

    Tip 3 - Make sure that when 1 of the range dps or healers is targeted by the Flames of Galakrond he can dps/heal even after moving behind the stacked group , so you do not lose dps/healing!

    Tip 4 - As I mentioned above you need to manage your raid/personal cooldowns pretty good! The first and second ball your raid can survive them without using any raid cooldowns, if all of the raid members have more than 600k HP! In our group on the 3rd ball we use 1 Rallying Cry and we survive it with ease. The 4th and 5th ball are the hardest ones. For the 4th one - use another Rallying Cry + Devo Aura/Smoke bomb(or any raid cooldown that reduces damage taken). If you have hunters in your group make sure that they use detterence on both balls (4th and 5th). If your raid composition lacks the cooldowns I mentioned above make all of your members to use personal cooldowns, whatever they have just to survive it. 5th ball - Probably most of your raid members are down , if you have hunters in your group they should be alive (detterence use). By this time if the boss is not around 4 - 6% marker it means 2 things - either your dps is low or your raid members did not pop their cooldowns when they needed to !

    Tip 5 - Make sure you are popping BL + Offensive cooldowns + Potions ! Warriors need to use Shattering Throw on the boss it is a major dps increase for the whole raid !

    I think this covers most of the fight. I know its pain, but you guys can kill it.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask them!
    Edited: December 27, 2016

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