1. What was your gift?

    Alright so what did you get as a gift from warmane? :D

    My gift was
    6.0 points
    single use code for 30% discount.
    Random amount of Happy Fun Rock
    Random amount of Worn Troll Dice
    Mechanical Greench

    Eventho I dont need any of these, thank you Warmane for giving us free stuff :D

    Happy new year yall

  2. 3 coins 5 points and like 30x alcohol

  3. 4 points
    20% discount
    13x Pygmy Oil
    Eye of Arachnida (toy)
    Mechanical Greench

  4. 5 pts 3 coins 40% discount code. The code is a really nice gift, now I can donate 10€ and get a 23 coin item I've wanted for a while for 14 coins.

    Thanks warmane <3

  5. 5.0 points
    single use code for 20% discount.
    Random amount of Decahedral Dwarven Dice
    Random amount of Worn Troll Dice
    Tiny Green Ragdoll

  6. 3 coins
    6.0 points
    single use code for 20% discount.
    Random amount of Winterfall Firewater
    Random amount of Aromatic Honey Brew
    Blue Crashin' Thrashin' Racer Controller

  7. 13 coins and 10 points.

    *reminds me how much money I wasted in game this year again*

  8. 30 coins
    5 points
    20% off code
    Shadow Jade Focusing Lens
    Blue Crashin Trashin Racer Controller
    Voodoo skulls

    Thanks to the Warmane Staff!!!

  9. 50 coins
    6.0 points
    Single use code for 40% discount.
    Random amount of Draenic Pale Ale
    Eye of Arachnida
    Tiny Green Ragdoll

    Thank you, Warmane ^^

    Happy New Year :3

  10. 6.0 points
    XQ3G3ZVEG9 single use code for 40% discount.
    Huge Snowball
    Random amount of Worn Troll Dice
    Random amount of Wand of Holiday Cheer

    Main account didnt even check the other 2, i guess this is my gift for being here last 7 years. Guess donating over 500$ over 3 accounts doesnt mean anything anymore, yes, im aware i didnt donate this year to them(on this account), but hey thought cant be worse than last year gifts, damn was i wrong.

  11. 7.0 points
    Random amount of Old Spices
    Random amount of Baby Spice
    Random amount of Worn Troll Dice

    Just what I always wanted! Fantastic!!.............

  12. 6 points
    30% discount code
    random amount of dire brew
    tiny green ragdoll
    gordok ogre suit.

    hopefully most are happy with what they got. was a nice surprise to log into :)

  13. 3 coins
    7.0 points
    code for 30% discount.
    Love Fool
    Random amount of Wand of Holiday Cheer
    Random amount of Winterfall Firewater

    the gifts i got :3

  14. 7 points and random stuff.
    i want molten back :(

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