1. Need help with Shield of darkness > Zian The Endless Shadow.

    Hello there
    I represent the pve guild hordecore. We've been able to clear all MSV hc bosses except boss #4.

    Of course the fact that you can attempt that boss just once after Qiang the merciless dies prevents us from practicing much.
    We do great until we face Zian the endless shadow: When he pops shield of darkness it generally kills 1-3 people before we mash the purge button. Plus, it should be a 2 sec cast. The fact that he gains it instantly makes this rather difficult.

    The retail tactic asks people to completely stop dps when its about to come, purge it, and then continue. But our warmane timer is different from what dbm announces.
    Does anyone have a warmane version of the Shield of darkness timer? How much time between casts generally?
    Or is there another way to do this? We once tried by having a shaman just spam purge nonstop on the boss, but he quickly ran out of mana and we soon died :].
    Thanks for the advice.
    Edited: October 3, 2015

  2. You cannot purge the shield :D in warmane, therefore you must "afk" completely. Strip from uncontrollable damage source such as bad juju, hunter 4 set is advisable. Existing dot doesn't proc the shield. The timer is around 30 sec (just ask ppl to monitor using dot) and different for the next shield. My suggestion is bloodlust at zian and hope it die after the 1st shield

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