Good evening!
I would like to share Schematic: Thorium Widget sniping macro to give a middle finger to the bots who re-sell them in AH for 30g.

Step 1: Open enter simple title and in code section paste this script:

local f=CreateFrame("FRAME");f:RegisterEvent("GOSSIP_SHO W");f:SetScript("OnEvent",function(s, e, ...) SelectGossipOption(1); end);
local f = CreateFrame("FRAME"); f:RegisterEvent("MERCHANT_SHOW"); local function h(self, event, ...) local a,b="Schematic: Thorium Widget"; for i=9,20 do b=GetMerchantItemInfo(i) if b==a then BuyMerchantItem(i,1); DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(string.format("Item nr: %s found! Time: %s:%s", i, GetGameTime()), 1, 1, 0, 3); else end end CloseMerchant(); end f:SetScript("OnEvent", h);

Step 2: Download it and put it into ur Interface/Addons folder
Step 3: Go in-game. Press ESC ingame, select Key Bindings, Scroll down to "Targeting Fuctions", and bind "Interact With Target" mouse wheel or any other easily spammable keybind.
Step 4: Target Sovik and spam "Interact With Target" button and hope it works.

!!! You wont be able to use any other vendor while this Addon is loaded so just disable it once you are done with sniping recipe. !!!

for i=9,20 is the item slot range (from 9th to 20th) item it will check if the name is equal to Schematic: Thorium Widget.
This can be simply modified to be used with any other range/recipe/items.