1. Ideas for progression.

    Aftering playing Warsong for a bit, you get this feeling of a lack of progression which some players have sometimes said. Personally I also feel it's a lack of progression because it's starter gear to conquest gear. As a result of this you have to wait for cap to even have the motivation to log on which severely reduces the need to even play the pvp server if you're a casual player. This is also a problem with current retail WoW resulting in a ton of players leaving WoW as there is no end-game content however these are just IDEAS FOR PROGRESSION, not end-game content - after you cap.

    We have Starter gear * ruthless * season 10
    Honor gear: *ruthless* season 11
    Conquest gear: Straight to cata elite.
    Then that's basically it and you have nothing to do.
    System I was thinking :
    Starter gear: Vicious season 10
    Honor gear: Ruthless season 11 <---- This will force players to actually do something in the game to not get one-shotted in arena
    Conquest gear: Cata season 11 with rating requirements for some pieces of gear , your choice.
    Cata elite - not viable for arena, allowed everywhere else and acquired through world PvP or bg tokens.
    Reward system:
    Using Bg tokens for transmogs ( make this moderate requirements )
    Mounts for rated bgs ( if that occurs ) - winning them after a number of times. Winning them consecutively.
    Mounts, titles, "special access", pets, enchants. transmogs, in-game money ( perhaps ) ,

    To be honest that's all I can think about atm. It's really up to you Malacao, these are just ideas that could be improved upon though I do personally feel getting the bg gear feels kinda worthless as it's only a mere upgrade.
    Edited: July 13, 2015

  2. Considering Warsong originally started with S10 it did make it semi difficult for people to actually gear up and was such a grind. Current Gear system is fine imo, however more things to spend honor on would be nice.

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