1. Race/Class suggestion :)


    I've been playing WoW since the last week of BC. Quit retail the last week of MoP, but started WotLK servers in like 2015.
    I've *always* mained Horde. I think when I first played I might've gotten a Nelf to 30ish...

    Considering playing Alli for a new experience.

    Looking for some suggestions for live.

    I mostly play BGs and enjoy world PvP. Not necessarily worried about "being OP" as much as enjoying playing as I'm pretty casual. I also enjoy non-cookie cutter builds (I love prot pally pvp lol).
    What are your suggestions?

  2. If you are pretty casual, Rogue would be an excellent choice. No gear dependant ,great damage ,safe playstyle

  3. If you are pretty casual, Rogue would be an excellent choice. No gear dependant ,great damage ,safe playstyle
    Despite all my years, I think rogue, mage, and dudu are the only ones I've never gotten into. I bet rogue is a blast for world pvp

  4. Title.

    I've been playing WoW since the last week of BC. Quit retail the last week of MoP, but started WotLK servers in like 2015.
    I've *always* mained Horde. I think when I first played I might've gotten a Nelf to 30ish...

    Considering playing Alli for a new experience.

    Looking for some suggestions for live.

    I mostly play BGs and enjoy world PvP. Not necessarily worried about "being OP" as much as enjoying playing as I'm pretty casual. I also enjoy non-cookie cutter builds (I love prot pally pvp lol).
    What are your suggestions?
    hunter is a beast in wpvp, so is Rogue and Mage.

  5. I played vanilla from 2005 and onward, mainly hunter and warlock but I also played a LOT of druid. Playing druid was, overall, the most well rounded, enjoyable and exciting class that I played!
    It's definitely the most fun class to play in world PVP

  6. I played vanilla from 2005 and onward, mainly hunter and warlock but I also played a LOT of druid. Playing druid was, overall, the most well rounded, enjoyable and exciting class that I played!
    It's definitely the most fun class to play in world PVP
    I've considered a boomy as a possibility. My only "worry" is that since I'm pretty casual I'll forget the different controls swapping forms all the time.

  7. Hmm interesting opinion since Vanilla druid is one of the least good PVP classes (other than flag running and escaping) since they don't really do anything as good as others. Definitely my favorite class since forever but sadly they are not very wanted in PVE and not very competent in PVP at 60... TBC is where they start to shine.

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