1. Gold Squish

    Hi there,

    I recently just learnt about the upcoming gold squish happening on this server (by reading another thread in this section), my issue however is that I just started my character about a week ago on this server and I can barely even afford my abilities, let alone other necessities such as riding skills.. and now you're proposing to halve the gold i own (so from 1k gold) leaving me with only 500 gold.

    Surely there should be better terms to this gold squish, for example if you're starting on your first character on Icecrown, with less than 5 days played, and you have a total of less than 5k to 10k gold? Even make it a minimum of being at least level 60 on the character so that it would be impossible to create 100 accounts with 100 characters, to spread out let's say 999k gold, to avoid the gold squish?

    I'm a level 71 with 2 days played and honestly, after all the farming I've put into my account just to raise that 1k gold, all the constant "bags are full" messages from looting every piece of trash i could find in RDF's just to be able to sell them at 2 silver per item, and have just about enough gold to buy my abilities, i think this gold squish is like a huge penalty for new players starting out on this server - and to be honest just the notion that any attempt that i make to farm gold to even be able to purchase cold weather flying (which I'm going to need to quest effectively in Northrend), will instantly be negated by this gold squish, long before i reach 5k gold.

    Please, i implore you to come up with exceptions and terms to your gold squish. I am extremely dissuaded to even continue playing on this server at this moment, knowing all my efforts to start up my new character on this realm will be instantly penalised. You can't seriously tell me you think it's fair to hold new players on their first 'not-even-level-80' toons to the same calibre as if they were equals to someone with 999k gold on 4 different characters.

    Thank you.

    TL;DR - Create exceptions for the gold squish for new players who already struggle to raise gold for basic stuff such as riding skills and abilities.

    (EDIT: You could even announce the terms 24 hours before the gold squish, so it wouldn't give anyone time to exploit the exceptions terms, for example you need a level 50-79 toon, less than X days played, less than X gold, a restriction from being able to create any new characters within those 24 hours, to be immune to the gold squish.)
    Edited: December 21, 2016 Reason: Added an EDIT at the end.

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