1. 1 Week Ago  

    Regarding race change

    I know its a wierd question, but humor me please :)

    Lets say i have an 80 human and want to race change to any other ally race

    Will the character be 100% the same ?

    or will things like:

    reputation reset/change? (bc of Diplomacy)
    achivements/statistics reset/change? (if not 100% completed)
    quests i already did stay completed or reset?
    starting area quests of new race, that i didn't do, available or not?

    i just want to make sure everything i did so far on that character stays the same (will do a new one if not)

    Thx in advance :D

  2. 1 Week Ago  
    Reputations won't be changed.
    Achievements/Statistics should carry over. Progress I'm not sure of, it should carry over.
    Quests done are done, won't reset. Not sure what happens to race specific class quests. Might be able to do them again, without losing your old completed quests/rewards.
    The 1-5 lvl area should be open for you to do quests on new race, since you couldn't do those specific quests before.

    TLDR - Progress should carry over 100%, with new race you have access to new race specific stuff you couldn't do before.

  3. 1 Week Ago  
    Awesome. Thank you very much!

    Have a good day :D

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