1. 1 Week Ago  

    PvP: Glyph of Rejuvenation or Rapid Rejuvenation

    For Resto druid in pvp which is better, glyph of rejuvenation or Rapid rejuvenation and why?

  2. 1 Week Ago  
    Considerring Barksking and Swiftmend are mandatory for arenas and every other healer is tougher than rdruid in addition to be more mana efficient in pvp, your 3rd glyph should be Glyph of Inervate.

    That being said...

    Rapid Reju:
    - In pvp gear you won't have enough haste to benefit from the faster ticks (Rapid reju) in a meaningfull way unless you push haste hard at the expense of surv/regen (BGs).
    - Faster tics also mean you have to reaply it sooner and chances are it will also expire when you are getting cc trained.
    - Considering half of arena ledger is arms+hpal the hot ticks will be reduced by mortal strike all the time.
    - Also reju can be dispelled relatively easy vs other comps. (Not an issue in BGs usually, but why spent a glyph slot on something you cannot rely on 100% when you have better options.)

    + For premade BGs with pealers it can provide more healing, but at that point I would also use glyph of wild growth instead of Swiftmend.

    Glyph of Reju:
    + Better choice than Rapid Reju as it at least provides the extra healing when it is needed most.
    - U can only use it instead of Inerv glyph (In arena you will burn through your mana way quicker than any other healer. If your gameplay is aggressive enough it might work, but again considerring the plethorea of awars+hpals and the number of deff CDs you need to force them to use before going for kill...)

    Just my 6 cents (after inflation)...

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