1. Sorry April Fool jokes are dry

    The April fool jokes are pretty dry and lame. First off joking about anything with updates to Neltharion patch is enough to piss off anyone playing on that realm!We have been waiting while we have seen fix after fix on WotLK and MoP while we have sat idle and patiently waiting to see even the slightest fix.

    Please quit screwing around with the cata update and either let us know what is going on, to show some fixes! Please!

  2. Troll much? I honestly do not see the problem with my post. However, your selfie is pretty lame. Just saying.

  3. >knows it's a joke
    gj warmang

  4. Wermone bezt servur eu

  5. Gotta say, it was kinda easy to see through it.

  6. It's a bit amusing because anything we say or do today could be taken as an April Fool's joke. Whether it's a joke or the real deal.

  7. Oh boo. Heavens forbid anyone makes a joke about anything. What is this, Tumblr?

  8. Hope this new forum is a joke too, because it sucks :P

  9. - Sargeras mounts will no longer be able to fly to allow for Azeroth's beauty to be explored and experienced.

    This would be cool.

  10. The April fool jokes are pretty dry and lame. First off joking about anything with updates to Neltharion patch is enough to piss off anyone playing on that realm!We have been waiting while we have seen fix after fix on WotLK and MoP while we have sat idle and patiently waiting to see even the slightest fix.

    Please quit screwing around with the cata update and either let us know what is going on, to show some fixes! Please!
    OMG WOTLK FIX AFTER FIX AFTER..... oh wait, years of neglection, right? now shut up and take joke for what it is: an obvious joke.

  11. Neltharion is a one big April's joke for 356 days.

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