1. Scripting/programing for WOW non retail server

    I am an IT student and I want to improve my C++ skills. SO i want to combine my passion for playing wow and learning programming.
    As i get it the core for non retail servers is written in C++ and all the scripting is done also in C++
    I want to give back to community and start scripting. I searched google and found nearly nothing on this topic. I am not talking about making
    addons, I want to script npc, fix quests, items...

    Where to start, do you have any suggestions?

  2. i don't think they are taking interns here

    but i could be wrong

  3. I'd suggest you google the various WoW cores (such as Trinity and Mangos) and get started that way -- every private server (including Warmane) is based off one of these open-source projects (it'd be ridiculous to try and rewrite it all yourself). But, even getting setup to start developing on one of these can be a daunting feat for most people. In other words, I suggest you try to setup a server locally and actually find an fix some bugs to see if you think it'd be interesting to you. It's a lot more complicated than you might think -- especially if you're doing it right (ie, trying to match with the proper spells and abilities in wowhead, etc).

    For my part, I was able to "fix" a few bugs in few Naxx encounters for one of the cores, but gave up quickly when I realized just how much work it is for one person to find the bug, look for "sniff" evidence from retail to determine the proper way to fix it (ie, which of the hidden spells to use, how to orient the mobs during their attacks, etc), and then actually test the fix. For example, just getting the zombies on the Gluth encounter to run to him upon spawn, get eaten by him which makes him face them), and then give him HP was actually quite difficult for me to get right. It was rewarding to see it work, but that was one of the smaller bugs in the one raid -- imagine something like path-finding or eye of eternity, etc.

  4. You should start here:

    It's the core that majority of private servers are based on. Some things are easy to script, some are not. Before scripting anything though I suggest you spend quite some time learning how the core is structured.

  5. Vacancies are now full.
    That thread is hardly relevant now, and we don't hire anyone without experience.

  6. That thread is hardly relevant now, and we don't hire anyone without experience.
    So is there a mega moderator? O_o sorry just noticed you became a super moderator.

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