1. Destroction warlock or afflication warlock for pvp ???

    Hi guys, I want to know which class is the best for pvp bg and arena ! Destro or Aff ??

  2. Destruction - Offers a really nice burst, you are able to kill targets a lot faster (with a bit of luck), most people prefer it in the arenas because of that. It has low flexibility and that makes you a little vulnerable.

    Affliction - Spec based on DoT's and Drain spells. You kill targets slower while healing your self at the same time. It has more survivability and a lot of people tend to play it with more resilliance (then with Destro). Usually takes more time to master then Destruction.

    Overall, for BG's both specs are good, fun and viable. For arenas I must say Destro > Affliction. It is just my personal choice. It doesn't mean Affliction sucks in arenas.

    Try both specs in BG's and Arenas. Keep in mind that Affliction can be hard at the beginning. If you are new to a Warlock then i suggest you to try Destro first.

    Good luck.

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