1. ele pvp best xpac

    I got some coins left over, enough to gear another char that will expire soon and I want to make an ele sham for pvp. In your opinion which is the best of the xpacs?

  2. I'm loving elemental in MoP. I knew a guy who was sick-good in Cata, but I haven't tried it myself.

  3. Mop, maybe wotlk, but do not even try in cataclism the worst xpac for ele shamys.

  4. Mop, maybe wotlk, but do not even try in cataclism the worst xpac for ele shamys.
    True, their only "good times" in Cata are when they join a premade random Q w/ full Cata and 3 shot lowbies.

    MoP is a lot of fun so far with mine. You can move while casting Lightning bolt. Tis norse. Gotta make a /stopcasting macro tho xD

    WotLK isn't mobile enough imo.

  5. Either MoP or Wotlk, my personal opinion from experience would be MoP, seeing that you can basically turret lava bursts every global if you keep your flame shock up on everything in sight, and heal just about as well as a resto shaman when you have healing stream/healing tide up.

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