1. A bit disappointed

    I don't like the fact that they announced the launch time after having said for so long that they wouldn't.
    If they did so because they changed their mind it's not so bad but if they did so because of the relentless spam that's been going on lately then it's a problem.
    I don't think Warmane should cater to the demands of the few vocal people who complain all the time about one thing or another.
    How many individual threads have we had asking the same question, "when is the launch"? A dozen? More? Are you sure you want to listen to people who can't even be bothered to check if the same question they are asking hasn't been asked before? These are selfish people with short attention spans.
    Do not let yourselves be swayed but incessant spam. If you do that, soon enough we will have Raid Finder and instant level 80 at the shop.
    Now it's "I want to reserve my name", next it will be "I just don't have time to level another toon" or "neft this, nerf that".

  2. You are complaining that they did something people were requesting, yet you are requesting them to do something (not give into requests).

  3. This is not the majority talking. Of all the people I know that are going to play on Lordaeron not one wanted to know the exact time.
    I am saying they should not sacrifice the bigger picture for the immediate satisfaction of a small number of people.
    Next they'll want realm transfers cuz 'Northrend is open, we should be able to transfer our characters from other servers'.
    Stick to your mission statement. If you say something then keep your word. That's how it should be.

  4. Historically Warmane had always given us a specific time the servers would launch; they only didn't want to tell us to stabilize servers so they don't crash. If you took the time to read instead of spam you'd see that they clearly state they chose a time when server population is low. Any moron could figure they wouldn't release it at peak hours and probably during the morning...which is exactly what they're doing. How about thanking them instead if being an ungrateful ****? Yes people want to reserves names and many will and then log off cause it isn't their usually play time. You weren't here before you're account was made after moltdown. You don't understand that many of us have been here for years and its important we get our names

  5. It doesn't matter what the reason was. It was our decision to make. It's pointless to complain about it.

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