1. [H] expd UNH deek lf engame.

    Names Billyzane (soon to revert to my normal designation helikz[Helix]), located in Washington, DC, US (EST)

    Been around WoW since the closed beta undead push (2002/3?), raided bleeding edge on Mannoroth(US) with guilds like vodka(yes they started on mannoroth), 12prophets (predestined), macabre from MC->ICC retiring @ 3.3, and the only lessons I learned were: 12 hours of wiping on broken raganaros at 3am builds character, wow does not help with grades in grad school, and stealing raid id's is a bannable offense.

    I was lured back to focus originally on pvp, as my old arena partners started to play here, but the state of horde pvp in pugs and my teams delay in leveling here makes me want to put kittens in a blender. So, lets kill innernet dargons with big numbers and glowing items. I only speak english and bad english, so that's a thing, can raid start from 7-11 EST (11-3 Server) I know the content, show up prepared, am self sufficient, and an adult.

    armory link http://armory.warmane.com/character/...ecrown/summary

    I also have undergeared hunter(4.2k gs) and warlock(-974 million gs) at 80, both of which classes I raided with in the wotlk live frame as mm and affl respectively. While I'm focusing primarily on my dk, I can play all 3 roles at endgame level (pve and pvp)on this content if needed. Yes, i know how to kite a blood beast and chew gum at the same time.... unbelievable right?

    send me a Message/IGM @billyzane/helikz/awperator/pocus if interested.

  2. http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=357392 check us out, app on website if you like.

    Despite what recruitment thing says, we lack dk's (I was the only dk online in core raid). If you can play frost, that'd be a plus and you'd prob get into core runs with less gear.

    Your gear will need to be replaced with pve, doing some 10 mans and our 2nd icc 25 before you can join main run. We started up recently and cleared normal icc and rs. Moving to heroics next week.

    Raid time is 2am-4am st, with invites going out 15 min before start. You can pst an officer in game with any questions.

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