1. Global Chat

    Hello, I am playing on Icecrown realm and I have a suggestion for you guys from warmane staff...I dont know how is it on other realms, but people in Icecrown literally spam like crazy about selling their characters and creating a raid becomes a chalenge. My suggestion is, if you create separate channel for those character trading stuff would be GREAT. AWESOME. INCREDIBLE. You get my point. Some may say so what if they create separate channel for character trade, people will continue spamming on global...well that's why my next suggestion is whoever do that to get muted for 1 month, im sure there are filters and other tools to do that. If you guys do all that im sure our (all players) stay in Warmane servers will be truly unforgetable experience. Thanks for reading my post and hopefuly taking some action.

  2. Can't we create a channel just by typing /join <name> ? The fact is that people will don't care, they will spam where everyone is, what's the point of advertising of selling a character is nobody see it

  3. Global chat is global. If you don't like what you see, leave it. It's logistically infeasible to attempt policing those who wish to spam it, and it's fundamentally counter to the purpose of the channel to attempt curating what types of comments people make in the channel.

    There already exist automated features that prevent spamming chats in under a given number of seconds.

    There already exist explicit channels for dealing exclusively with Trade or LookingForGroup.

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