1. Endless lag :(

    I got a good PC and good internet. I live in norway. I just started today, and i have endless lag all the time. Every 2 min i get lag that last 5-10 sec. and its so irritating, that im close to delete the game if i cant find a fix.,

    I tried turning everything to low quality, V-sync off, still no fix. laggy as always.

    When doing dungeons i need to keep pet on passive and not use him, becouse i might get a 10 sec lag anytime and wont be able to call pet back if he runs after a mob, and BOOM i end up aggro a bunch of new mobs back and we all wipe. And i get called a huntard.

    Anyone else having problem whit lag and know a fix?

    Some info of my pc:

    processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz

    GeForce GTX 1070

  2. lag lag. as in everything stops moving for 5-10 sec, and when lag is over, everything gets teleported to the present. Died a couple of times becouse of it. and almost died many times becouse of it.

  3. I'm having the same problem,been playing on Warmane for a lot of time and its the first time I have this kind of issues.

  4. Trying to download game on another pc to see if i have same issue. I honestly dont think it has anything to do whit PC or internet (both are good), i think its becouse i live in north norway. I live to far away from were the server is located.

    If i still got problem on new pc, then i have to just quit. I tried google, and found people whit same problem and no fix, all the way back to 2016. Nothing we can do.

    Its fine to lvl up, but i cant do end game pve/pvp. No guild will drag along a player who has 10 sec long lag spike every 2 min. And gonna lose 80% of pvp fights becouse of random lag that last 10 sec. thats 10 sec i cant controll my character, 100% gonna die in those 10 sec.

    It sucks, i really had fun lvl up, even whit the lag, but i dont wanna grind my way up, only to quit becouse i cant take part in any of the end game stuff.

    Guess i have to w8 for retail to add wotlk after TBC, gonna be 2-3 years before that happends.

  5. can you maybe record a clip of thiss issue and share it here?

  6. You might be experiencing packet loss. If your internet drops just 1 packet, you can sometimes see 5+ seconds of lag in a game. You can run some ping tests (try doing Google searches such as 'how to check for packet loss' or 'packet loss ping test') to try to find out if this is the problem.
    Edited: April 1, 2021

  7. Here is a clip i just made showing the lag i get all the time.


    here is picture of the packet loss test:


    I honestly dont know what to do.

    (i tried whit all addons off, also tried delete and reinstall and try again whit 0 addons. I still have the same problem)

  8. If you're losing packets, the problem could either be on your end or your Internet Service Provider's end.
    On your end, it could possibly be:
    - a bad ethernet cable (if hardwired in rather than playing on Wi-Fi)
    - a bad network card (which may or may not be built into your motherboard... some motherboards have known issues with this)... if you have another device you can try playing the game on in your house just to see if the same problem occurs, that would help narrow down if it's a problem with your computer or external to your computer
    - a problem with the modem/router (if not provided by your ISP, you may need to buy a new one)
    For the above, if you either try another device on your same internet to see if the same issue occurs, or take your device to another location, this can potentially help you narrow down the problem.

    If not on your end:
    - Modem/router (if provided by your ISP, you could request a new one)
    - A problem with the external lines connecting to your house or even within the local area / neighborhood. You'd have to reach out to your Internet Service Provider and tell them that you ran a ping test after experiencing frequent lag while playing games, and that you believe packet loss is occurring based on the results that you see, and that you would like them to investigate and resolve the issue. (You could mention that you dropped 5 packets out of 100 during your test, if you want.) This is best done after some of the other debugging activities such as a different device on the same internet, or same device on different internet is attempted, and the issue looks to be internet-related rather than PC / network card related.

  9. In any case, after seeing your ping results, I would say the problem shouldn't be Warmane or WoW client related.
    Normal web browsing and sometimes watching videos (because they load a lot of it in ahead of time, so there is buffer available for if you drop a packet at some point) won't uncover this type of problem.
    Usually online gaming or streaming is what makes these problems really surface. (If you drop a packet while streaming, your stream turns into a slideshow for the viewers briefly after each lost packet.)

  10. I have crazy latency too, but im not sure if its mine end, because i have retail installed too and i have no issues on latency.

  11. same here. at first i had no problems for a long time. now i suddenly have frame drops all the time. the drops makes it unplayable.

  12. I have this but now.
    I started playing few weeks ago everything is works fine but about 1 week ago Frostmurne server is lagging like hell sometimes I got 1k ms wtf happend ?

  13. Hola yo llevo tiempo jugando wow warmane icecrown y en estas semanas esta aviendo mucha lag ah que se debe eso..
    soy de PerĂº Tacna

  14. Hola soy un jugador que lleva tiempo wow warmane icecrown y ultimamente esta aviendo mucha lag eso ah que se debe..
    Soy de Peru tacna

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