1. 2 Weeks Ago  

    Random death

    It happened today, around 4ish in the afternoon. I was playing Random BG with my human SH priest. The map was Arathi Basin and we just left the spawn. I was heading towards the gold mine and I was maybe 5 seconds from the flag when my character just dropped dead. Literally. I received my full health in damage with the red numbers. I looked at the combatlog, what happaned to me, but found nothing. It just said I died and my buffs faded away.
    It got me really confused and tried to find an answer online, but no luck and I just want to know, this happened to someone else? Since I'm playing on Warmane this only happened to me now.

  2. 2 Weeks Ago  
    It's possibly fall damage. There are some spots in AB where you are walking normally and you receive a lot of fall damage for no apparent reason.

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