1. Multiboxing - This is going slightly overboard


    This is my first post on this server and i'd like to tell that im fairly enjoying my experience here. Loving the disabled RDF, etc.

    There is only one thing that worries me and that's Multiboxing. In my opinion it was always and will be a cancer to an economy of a server and also destroy the gameplay of others players, especially when on privates you don't have to pay monthly fees to play a game.

    I propably wouldn't bother to make thread about it, till i saw this ... This guys is clearly overusing it ... Totaly insane and im sure there is much more people who does that.


    If im not wrong, there is over 10 characters at once from the same guy ...

    I would like to know what Devs thoughts are about Multiboxing and if there is a chance to ban using it. Please keep in mind that by allowing multiboxing on private servers its greatly influencing an ecenomy of a server and also destroy a gameplay for other players. It's not healthy for a server at all to allow people do that.

    I hope that im not the only one thinking that it should be banned.

    Best Regards,

    and Merry Christmass to Everyone (even though it's kinda late, but still) Whis you all the best things in upcoming new year : )

  2. Multiboxing is completely within out rules and allowed in all of our servers.

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