1. Not many will believe this don't really care. But I've played since vanilla and I've only played a frost mage.

    I've 1v2 camped 2 ret paladins that where b/f and g/f they both had shadowmorune (they where **** bad) and i've done other 1v2 / 1v3's and 1v1 duels with no gear on ect ect.

    But the best thing I've ever done was back in BC I think s3 I was in a AB and I went to mine's there was 7 alliance. A holy paladin a Disc priest Hunter warrior warlock shaman mage

    They where all undergeared, Not to bad but all of them had no resil. (They could of all 7 even been botting for all I know) They where aweful pvpers. And I 1v7ed them. No help whatso ever from any fellow horde, there was nobody around to see it. I didn't fraps it, but I got the biggest boner. I still remember it.

    It doesn't make me a amazing player, It was just all the right things at once. (bad players, bad gear, no resil)

    They wern't AFK, or half health, or oom. Just legit Full vengeful mage vs 7 undergeared players. The reason I'm so impressed with it was because they had healers.

    tl;dr I'm a baddie and want to be good one day.
    A mage camped a ret...how surprising...
    Most I`ve done is 1v4 vs blood dk, 2x frost and a huntard when I leeroy Jenkin`d into their base to get the flag back in TP cause noone else wanted to...and the best thing is that they all had moderate HP( so I am going to assume moderate resi also).
    Of course after that come the whispers:
    Bubble noob.
    Pally noob class.

    Best thing is, I didn`t even bubble o.O Just the OP ret zealotry + wings which the hunter did not have the brains to dispell ofc...

  2. moltenroo's Avatar
    870k heal as Awar in wsg :D that was epic victory rush row, and 5 million dmg :D

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  3. Parely's Avatar
    As a healer, first in healing done, third in damage done, zero deaths, 6 kills

  4. Most epic thing for me havent seen enyone to do this here so far :)

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    Fury in the House Neltharion Realm:)

  5. 345ilvl hunter with 500 resillience...

  6. I convinced 8 or 9 guys to have a dance party with me at FRR. Of the other team.

    No pics, got deleted when I deleted my WoW. :/

  7. June 1, 2013  

    PS:Sorry for it being so far, I fail at editing pictures, better to leave it intact...
    Edit: And yes, they had 3-4 fully geared healers(hordies)...

  8. June 2, 2013  

    In the WSG.we couldnt cap any flag because it got bugged. So we camped their graveyard with FC with us :)

  9. This is so far the highest fulmination I've done, I literally oneshotted a warrior (he was full health). I love ele shamans...

  10. oh... everyone has healing done and i have none... no one wants to heal me? hahaha!
    I am Domiron and i may say u are totaly pathetic.U dueled me with one tier above me and u won without me using bubble or anything it wasnt even we do 3 duels.And second,last time u met me in arena im really not sure i was the one pwned LOL.Who plays frostDK/holy pala lol.And u might forgot the 4 duels i took from 5 before undercity sometime ago u made that video u defeat me one dueL ? Scrub.U are stupid hater and ull continue to be one.

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