What are the Best in Slot Trinkets for an Enhancement Shaman PvE 3.3.5?
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What are the Best in Slot Trinkets for an Enhancement Shaman PvE 3.3.5?
Im trying to focus on Haste more than anything else at the moment, couple of people told me that if you focus on haste more your trinkets should be Tiny + War Token. Is that true?
Well, TAiaJ is a trinket in which you might have too much hit when you're in normal-mode BiS (for haste-stackers) while too low expertise (not a single piece gives haste+expertise), thus, you might want to use ArP belt/bracers (particularly Gunship wrists so you get extra 7ilvl) and expertise gems/enchants. The proc is pretty good though, considering that you use slow weapons with tons of haste. Dual Berserking works best with this.
Without it you'd have no problems managing your hit rating.
STS is usually used for the beastly proc; a good portion of Enhancement's damage is magical, so that portion isn't used for ArP.
I would suggest WFS HC + War token if you are hit caped. STS HC + War token if hit caped and if youre close to the crit cap. Only use TaJ/TaJ HC to get hit caped, its useless if you can get hit caped from gear and/or some gems/enchants.