1. ...:::Ruby No. 94:::...

    CTS: Superkge

    Ring of Phased Regeneration: Paladinoy

    Phaseshifter's Bracers: Sharpclaw

    Returning Footfalls: Sylviaa

  2. were the other 2 rubys? why posted only 1st run?

    Originally Posted by 2Pok
    GTS: Superkge
    and u sure about this?

  3. Sheksy got pics for other 2, so it's 96. 4 more to go :D:D:D

  4. were the other 2 rubys? why posted only 1st run?

    and u sure about this?
    yes i am not sure about that xD

  5. then write halion N.O 96 and gg, or 69? :D:D:D:D:D

  6. its our lidur sheksuu. probably is going to post this 2 after we pass the 100
    to much work on RL leading boys to insanity :D

  7. he will post some predator ****, he just can't find the perfect pics for it, yet xD

  8. ...:::LoD No. 91:::...

    Havocs : Aroxas
    MIthrios : Olivia
    Horsie : Calhimeo

  9. Solace RECRUTING

    Recruitement is still open, and we are recruiting for our 2nd and 3rd ICC25HC and 4th and 5th RS25HC.

    We are not looking for any specific classes, if your application is good enough, you will be able to join us.

  10. Btw, i love that new guys be very comunicate active so i can talk whit them =D :D:D:D:D:D

  11. Btw, i love that new guys be very comunicate active so i can talk whit them =D :D:D:D:D:D
    son dont speak with unknowns :c they'll rape you:(:(

  12. son dont speak with unknowns :c they'll rape you:(:(
    that's his point, he will like it xD

  13. LoD 92

    ...:::LoD No. 92:::...

    Glorenzelg : Alberrtt
    Scepter: Tequilaputa
    Horsie : Grandjoer

  14. ...:::LoD No. 92:::...

    Glorenzelg : Alberrtt
    Scepter: Tequilaputa
    Horsie : Grandjoer

    you didnt mention Gastlydk solo tank it from 2nd phase till end :D

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