1. Discussing pro word bis bosnia no doubt

  2. I am proud of u my sons.From now on Sons of Hodir changed to SONS OF OWLS!

  3. Discussing pro word bis bosnia no doubt
    u mean PRO SCREENSHOT of o-chat :D

  4. you have your prove that not even lk want you...not even dead
    you just jelly cause i can survive and you cant survive. mouhahahhaa

    ****ing paparazzi survive!!! hate him and hiis macroes!!! :D:D:D:D:D
    Dont be jelly you see even LK cant kill me.
    [80:Jezicina]: i wanna suck some dicks

    Immortal offtank Nabibel :D

    LoD No.94 fraps

    Son of Owl King PoV
    GOGO Check at 10:00 min ME ALONE VERSUS LK.

    Filipe The Undying!

  5. fu you haliibelji!!! :D:D:D

  6. ....:::: Ruby sanctum, Halion 25Hc::::....

    What a long strange trip it has been.

    Unstopable hunger and will for more has awarded us with

    Halion kill.

    My big THANK's for all those who were here with us before and who still are.

    Everyone will heave a part in our hearts!

    Recap of last year

  7. Pick sucks. But gz .. Soon I'll be black!

  8. Pick sucks. But gz ..
    PS skills over 69

    Soon I'll be black!
    Noone cares!

  9. Dero, you can't change the beliefs of the people. They all wait the one and true lord of Solace.

  10. 100th and i was at party :( GZZZZZ!!!

  11. major props to you all niblets, you make daddy proud

  12. ...::: RS No. 100 :::..


    Shadowmourne: Blindmage
    Signet of Twilight: Tuzak
    Umbrage: Tuzak
    Returning Footfalls: Mitka

  13. shiny lewt

    yee thanks :D such loots gg :cool: :D

  14. were is the 101 kill? no one took ss?

  15. Dont cate much after 100th kel much drunk gg friends get meerired rl kicks in

    NO more spam. Gona keep it internal.

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