1. We got it Feb 2. server had 1 day open, day and a bit. we did whole bosses.

    sube fotos

  2. There is just so much spam in this thread. It's really good when people organize some world pvp, city raids and stuff. I'm sure we all agree with that, even if the raids ain't perfect. All in all PvP is unpredictable. It's not like PvE where you just make a setup for your group go to some raid and clear it every week.

    If Verbally Violent is so eager to play rateds as I have been reading for the entire thread here, feel free to contact anyone from Stealthed Rogues. I'm pretty sure that if you tell us that you have a group ready to que rated bg we will make our group ready within 10 minutes anytime.

    If you don't want to play rated bgs we are also open for setting up some world pvp. Just whisp one of us and let's organize it together.

    Problem with city raids is that usually one side is dominating and people are getting bored too quickly. It's no fun at all to run here and there in abandoned Stormwind when allys are not even trying to make a group against us.
    My guildies used to visit Elvynn forest having some fun with allies. I think most allies respect our guild and they like playing with us on some competitive level. That's the way it should work.

    Also IMO Bloodlust is really really far away from dominating alliance on any field regarding PvP.

  3. There is just so much spam in this thread. It's really good when people organize some world pvp, city raids and stuff. I'm sure we all agree with that, even if the raids ain't perfect. All in all PvP is unpredictable. It's not like PvE where you just make a setup for your group go to some raid and clear it every week.

    If Verbally Violent is so eager to play rateds as I have been reading for the entire thread here, feel free to contact anyone from Stealthed Rogues. I'm pretty sure that if you tell us that you have a group ready to que rated bg we will make our group ready within 10 minutes anytime.

    If you don't want to play rated bgs we are also open for setting up some world pvp. Just whisp one of us and let's organize it together.

    Problem with city raids is that usually one side is dominating and people are getting bored too quickly. It's no fun at all to run here and there in abandoned Stormwind when allys are not even trying to make a group against us.
    My guildies used to visit Elvynn forest having some fun with allies. I think most allies respect our guild and they like playing with us on some competitive level. That's the way it should work.

    Also IMO Bloodlust is really really far away from dominating alliance on any field regarding PvP.
    everything u said is so true! btw i see some girls acting like hairy dudes, get back to the kitchen omg!

  4. It is funny how this guy from bloodlust guikd think hm they are the best and they did anithing. U got wiped in start by fewer ppls then u were. U got wipe outside and inside the bank evdn if u tried to get use of los. U guyz abd other horde got wiped in darnasus, exodar, ciyies that are not defended by pugd.

    Getting wipe over and over its failure. Did u ever seen pokemonz got wiped in orgrimar ever On sargeras? I dont thinks so and u might never see that ever, even if u make a raid of full greavious.

    But like others said its good to defend sonetime so come more. The gates are opened.

    Btw i want to ask Vv guild when they first kill garosh? Cause we pokemonz kiled him second day after server started. And not only garrosh
    lol im not blind u can lie but i see couple of you Pokemonz above the auction house with your mages and hunter?

    How can that be possible everytime when we atack SW (alliance are afk) when we atack pvp vendors again alliance ar afk did u play sometimes or all of u are afk 24/24?

    sorry for my english and miss writed because i write from phone.

  5. Well, I know you love your guild Rufus, so you will definitely think of it as the best Guild on Horde.

    It's still the start of the server, were not yet in the mid stage of Sargeras. Everything will change as time goes by. Yea it's true, we haven't covered every aspects of PvP just "yet" and were not saying or thinking that we are the best. You guys are only thinking that way.

    Bloodlust is still a "Baby" guild so to speak, and it hasn't reach it's full potential. But when were ready, you might get surprised. Never underestimate. Or you might end up like "Rubmytotems" the nerdrager :D.

  6. Well, I know you love your guild Rufus, so you will definitely think of it as the best Guild on Horde.

    It's still the start of the server, were not yet in the mid stage of Sargeras. Everything will change as time goes by. Yea it's true, we haven't covered every aspects of PvP just "yet" and were not saying or thinking that we are the best. You guys are only thinking that way.

    Bloodlust is still a "Baby" guild so to speak, and it hasn't reach it's full potential. But when were ready, you might get surprised. Never underestimate. Or you might end up like "Rubmytotems" the nerdrager :D.
    Hard to say if these are your problems with understanding English or you are just blinded by all the posts that are in this thread and other threads on forums.
    I used to think and I said it aloud before that we are the best PvP guild on Hellscream, the server where our guild was actually born. I stopped it because after some time I just realized it makes no sense. The best guilds are not saying they are the best (although I could say that back then because we were pretty much the only PvP guild on Horde side and the first one on Hellscream). The best guilds just know they are the best and they don't need to announce it to the entire world.

    I didn't even try to compare our guilds, I don't see any point in that. We definitely have different approach to leading the guild. This is not the thread for history of our guild, what has changed since Hellscream times etc. Our guilds even though are both pvp oriented they are totally different.

    And the last thing. I said that:
    "Also IMO Bloodlust is really really far away from dominating alliance on any field regarding PvP."
    Just read it again. You are not dominating allies anywhere. Dominating means like absolute winning in any case. It's something that Stealthed Rogues were doing at a time, Beep guild was also dominating rated bgs for a time when they were formed. Some players from SR BEEP or RELAX are dominating arenas.
    Your guild want to dominate world pvp, but you still need to work on this. Anyway you will get there someday if you keep up the good work and organize more stuff like you did in this thread.

  7. ok.. first, and MOST importantly!!!

    Unless the have a crush on her. :D
    after watching that video.. i do too ::blush::

    ok.. anyhow..

    some interesting things:
    -most of the haters, were fotm warr/hunter rollers.
    -bloodlust seems to have more qq haters than any other guild, which speaks volumes more about you all, than of her considering she doesn't seem to revert to name calling, *****ing, crying, etc.
    -that raid in org that you all are referring to, had VV and some other guild's member calling out specifically for bloodlust. i killed both of them myself as well as 3 others without dying on my [currently] <370 elemental shaman. [no, i'm not a bloodlust member, and i do admit i wasn't the target of 2 of those 5].
    -i've lost in bg's with 5 man bloodlust premades in them.. well, once. but i've also never lost in a premade vs ANY ally premade.
    -that 10 bl vs 5 vv or whatever the other guild was screenshot, had most returns/grabs by the exact same people. it seems to me, that the 5 man was just more dedicated and desperate for the win while bl was just having fun.
    -the old guild yall are referring to, mfc, mc, whatever.. they were carried by gear. i beat them in pugs 24/7 and don't recall facing a single worthwhile team of that guild in arena.
    -EVERY person talks ****, and it's usually more than the truth, myself included. which of my above are 100% true, and which are exaggerated, who knows. most of it is just my recollection anyhow and although i don't intentionally lie, i can't honestly account for 100% accuracy in my report.

    but all in all, what i gather most from this thread than anything aside from some excellent skills in oral communication [see linked video from a prior post], is that ilyanah is having fun, and sharing the fun, and 99% of you are just butthurt. i don't blame yuh, but her dedication in the guild certainly makes it one of the best guilds on warmane, regardless of whether anyone likes her/them or not.

    keep up the videos, i don't watch them [sorry, just being honest lol], but i do enjoy reading the backlash :)

    EDIT: oh and regarding dk. in 2's [which is what warmane mostly consists of], unholy dk was the highest ranked class for a LONGGGGGGGGG time during this patch.

  8. i remember ilyanah once said " tell ur guild m8 to stop leaving BGs when they r losing" ... he was refering to another guild thou, but funny thing is yesterday he left an AB after getting owned over and over again...so funny his corpse was on ground and i looted it! lolz as some ppl said u still have a long way ilyanah. ;)

  9. Vv we kiled garosh and others on 2/2/2015 also that was second day cause on first february in evenibg they opened.

    Some1 said saw pokemonz on building, y we had many range and attacked from above and the meele raped u from the ground but i wont discuss tactics on forum.

    stealthed i dont remenber a day, except 1 when u dominated sw. Each time u or relax bro came u got pwned. Was only once that stealthed rated core with relax bro rated core plus pigs (after a succesfull ally raid ib orgri) u came and in Pokemonz we got lik 10 man (not core rated). Even so we broke our ethics and invited ppls from global juust to defend (we dont do that normaly, guild only) but by the time we came, and wasnt much time, 65% of u left anf the ,,leftovers" were killed instant.

    that guy from bloodlust said on a diferent forum wow (not to long ago): atackinh honor vendor? Great idea. Lol u guyz are much way behind.

    Anyway we cant stay and debate over and over, each guild/faction will belive they know the truth they are the best, etc. Each guild its ok in its own way and lets not forget this its just a game.


  10. Some of you are intentionally leading the conversation in other direction, who is the best guild etc.
    We are a group of players who just wanna have fun while we play this game.
    I can see Stabshot put it For the Alliance which is nice and congrats, but in this SW attack and the previous our goal was not the king just to make it clear, that doesent mean that we are not gonna kill him :)
    In both sides there are good guilds and players and you should respect them not trash about them.

  11. Some of you are intentionally leading the conversation in other direction, who is the best guild etc.
    We are a group of players who just wanna have fun while we play this game.
    I can see Stabshot put it For the Alliance which is nice and congrats, but in this SW attack and the previous our goal was not the king just to make it clear, that doesent mean that we are not gonna kill him :)
    In both sides there are good guilds and players and you should respect them not trash about them.

    i just uploaded cause some1 asked me when we did, nothing personal :)

  12. i remember ilyanah once said " tell ur guild m8 to stop leaving BGs when they r losing" ... he was refering to another guild thou, but funny thing is yesterday he left an AB after getting owned over and over again...so funny his corpse was on ground and i looted it! lolz as some ppl said u still have a long way ilyanah. ;)
    well, moving to a new condo means leaving behind my old ISP, I am currently using the condo's public internet which is really bad for gaming during peek hours. specially when everone is using the internet at thesame time in the whole building. A pity, it would have been different. Gratz on the win! I didn't get to have fun with you guys. It was so fun whenever I come close to you guys in that AB, my addon tells me you are all targetting me :D. I guess you guys really want me dead so bad:D. Till next time.

  13. Great job ilyanah..... to the alliance nerds <3 dat hate :doe

  14. Great job ilyanah..... to the alliance nerds <3 dat hate :doe
    IKR, Yoda. Nyhahahaha :D. I can't believe Horde are hating on us. They shouldn't, we are all Hordes who will help them in BGs and world PvP. I guess they think or consider us a threat or a worthy competitor to be the best PvP guild on Horde. They don't even know or even care for our history, we've been here on Sargeras a lot longer before Hellscream or Stormstout realm existed. Same thing goes for Verbally Violent aka (Mad Company), and they don't get the respect they deserve. Lots of new cocky people entered our realm.

  15. -EVERY person talks ****, and it's usually more than the truth, myself included.
    I should have started by this when reading your post, this would have saved me some time.

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