1. .utility changefaction/race. Improve BGs

    Horde pretty much lose, I don't know... 90% of the games? By implementing ATs system you improve BG experience for both factions. Instant queue as horde but they never win. IMO re-introducing factionchange and racechange BGs will be improved by a couple of % and makes the server more stable regarding PvP and people feels more free to play whatever they want.

    Any comments / thoughts regarding this?

  2. Do u think they will implement it? They are wining money cause changefaction/race costs coins...

  3. Horde pretty much lose, I don't know... 90% of the games? By implementing ATs system you improve BG experience for both factions. Instant queue as horde but they never win. IMO re-introducing factionchange and racechange BGs will be improved by a couple of % and makes the server more stable regarding PvP and people feels more free to play whatever they want.

    Any comments / thoughts regarding this?
    Implement this and half of hordes pop will just xfer to alli for easy wins.Therefore creating an even worse problem and less money for Warmane. Leave it to sort itself out, there is no other way of fixing it

  4. Implement this and half of hordes pop will just xfer to alli for easy wins
    This must be wrong, I think once they introduce it people will change to Horde instead, I'm 100% sure.

    Edit: by NOT introducing it Horde will stay weak.
    Edited: April 9, 2015

  5. This must be wrong, I think once they introduce it people will change to Horde instead, I'm 100% sure.

    Edit: by NOT introducing it Horde will stay weak.
    Doubt free faction changes fix the problem, people are playing alliance simply because the human racial is superior in most cases, not to win BG's.

  6. Doubt free faction changes fix the problem, people are playing alliance simply because the human racial is superior in most cases, not to win BG's.
    All you have to do is use the PvP trinket with 400 crit and it's the same (Unless the PvP trinket is even better than having 2 slots as Human. The PvP trinket even has like 400-500 more resilience so playing Undead Caster is a possibility.

  7. All you have to do is use the PvP trinket with 400 crit and it's the same (Unless the PvP trinket is even better than having 2 slots as Human. The PvP trinket even has like 400-500 more resilience so playing Undead Caster is a possibility.
    The problem is that it really isn't the same, it's far, far from it. Mage PoV, for example;
    Horde: Foul gift or on use badge + trinket
    Alliance: Foul gift + on use badge (or bottled wishes reforged to mastery, for cata)

    The difference in the damage output between these two are massive. I've always played mage, both horde and alliance, here and on retail, and the damage output with foul gift + on use up is massive, compared to only one of them. This is especially important for burst comps (any 2x dps), and for example RMP in smoke bombs etc. High end it's superior and retail ladders during every expansion has proven this over and over again, especially in wotlk (followed by undead) and cata.

  8. And then what will be the fun of choosing your race, since it will have no impact in your gameplay?
    That's custom content too, which we always avoid.

    Do u think they will implement it? They are wining money cause changefaction/race costs coins...
    You can faction change for 150VPs, basically you can get it for free after 15 days of farming. It has nothing to do with money.

  9. And then what will be the fun of choosing your race, since it will have no impact in your gameplay?
    That's custom content too, which we always avoid.

    You can faction change for 150VPs, basically you can get it for free after 15 days of farming. It has nothing to do with money.

    can u answer my post ? it was posted before this ffs...

  10. And then what will be the fun of choosing your race, since it will have no impact in your gameplay?
    That's custom content too, which we always avoid.

    You can faction change for 150VPs, basically you can get it for free after 15 days of farming. It has nothing to do with money.
    I'm not specifically talking about this topic, buuuuuut do u know that when u are talking about Warsong (and the other one in wotlk), ur "we" is former Molten and Arena Tournament?

    And btw the change race has a lot of impact in the game, since u can change ur race depending from ur race effetcs needed (this is a PVP only server)

  11. And btw the change race has a lot of impact in the game, since u can change ur race depending from ur race effetcs needed (this is a PVP only server)
    Warsong is a BLIZZLIKE PvP realm. Race changing just to make your arena comp more viable would't make sense in a blizzlike realm. And btw the impact of racial abilities in PvP after all, is minimal (except the human racial ofc). So if you're seeking such custom features you shouldn't be playing on Warsong in the first place.

  12. I don't understand why they don't have it like it was on AT, where Horde/Alliance could be on the same side in BGs.

  13. I don't understand why they don't have it like it was on AT, where Horde/Alliance could be on the same side in BGs.
    Here's the answer

    That's custom content too, which we always avoid.
    We won't add features that aren't blizzlike. I'm sorry if you liked then.

  14. And then what will be the fun of choosing your race, since it will have no impact in your gameplay?
    That's custom content too, which we always avoid.
    Fun in choosing a race is not a issue, by implementing changerace and factionchange for free was professionalism from ATs part.
    Horde will be way better in BGs with the factionchange installed. Don't forget to let the character stay in the same guild, I'm sure it will be introduced as it is 100% a must.

  15. And then what will be the fun of choosing your race, since it will have no impact in your gameplay?
    what is this kind of Staff we have here... You guys need to send us competent people wich are doing pvp. Not these man who like to have the last word in a matter because they're some kind of Mod'.

    WE (Warmane?) Need communication, information. And each time you gave us informations, its to say we have lost something we all loved. So what is your guys point ? Make everyone angry ?

    Ok i understand. Make the more money you can. Alrigh -_-' But think abit that PVP Community back on retail ( I think BC, and Wotlk) gaved no clue of switching server. I'm warning that if you keep no listening YOUR community, after all... As Malaco said You could close the Cata realm.

    One laste word "http://arena-tournament.com/" read the bottom. Nothing special ?
    Again. "Nothing change blablabla" Alright we understand it's Not gonna be like before.
    But seriously ? Such great thing ?

    Change faction is a PVP Feature. We are playing a instant lvl 85 realm, you guys can buy mount ETC... Why the hell no change faction ?!. Money? (all the time...)
    I have so more to say, i talk mustly in game with my friends and contact, we all keep our rage because we know coming here bring nothing.. Atleast i Try MAYBE this way Staff could finaly get it : We want to be a part of the server! The community is NOT a bench of cow ! We are human and player, we deserve to be respected.
    I spoke about respect because, some people are donating, and because everything work today, it's because of it. You thanks them by never gaving informations about what is fix, what is currently under test, ANyyything
    Maladok pls respond this is another galaxy to another could we meet?

    P.S "Blizzlike and no raid available"
    Edited: April 10, 2015

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