1. I don't get it we are supposed to have our characters that we had on the AT Cata realm?
    But apparently my account is empty as **** and I had around 6-7 accounts and I was a global vip #ConfusedAF

  2. U guys just forget the VIP account, 60 euros for a complete Donated account was a LOL on molten, with 60 euros you get 3 BIS items, so just be happy to have your chars back.
    Our chars back?
    We didn't lost our chars.
    I hope you don't intend that Molten saved our àss and chars merging them because that is a bullshìt.

  3. One thing that surprises me though is that the Blackrock server is an exact mirror of AT wotlk. Why not the same with Warsong? Majority of people are AT players and i'm sure the majority would also highly prefer it. At least a more AT-like system.

  4. One thing that surprises me though is that the Blackrock server is an exact mirror of AT wotlk. Why not the same with Warsong? Majority of people are AT players and i'm sure the majority would also highly prefer it. At least a more AT-like system.
    Same opinion!
    I'm totally disappointed on what is goin on in this realm.

  5. One thing that surprises me though is that the Blackrock server is an exact mirror of AT wotlk. Why not the same with Warsong? Majority of people are AT players and i'm sure the majority would also highly prefer it. At least a more AT-like system.
    I agree 100%

  6. Can someone tell me how i get my AT Cata Characters on my Account now? i merged it and nothing happened

  7. I've had that question yesterday, and I've written an Support Ticket.

    I hope that the old AT Commands are coming back!

  8. "One thing that surprises me though is that the Blackrock server is an exact mirror of AT wotlk. Why not the same with Warsong? Majority of people are AT players and i'm sure the majority would also highly prefer it. At least a more AT-like system."

    ^ this. Really miss features like ready orb in arena, skirmishes, vip commands and vip zones. Never played on molten but I feel like they were more into making money than AT was, so it's very unlikely that we will get anything from Cata AT, atleast not for free. There are no ladders also, which kinda ruins team/player identity pvp wise.

  9. "One thing that surprises me though is that the Blackrock server is an exact mirror of AT wotlk. Why not the same with Warsong? Majority of people are AT players and i'm sure the majority would also highly prefer it. At least a more AT-like system."

    ^ this. Really miss features like ready orb in arena, skirmishes, vip commands and vip zones. Never played on molten but I feel like they were more into making money than AT was, so it's very unlikely that we will get anything from Cata AT, atleast not for free. There are no ladders also, which kinda ruins team/player identity pvp wise.
    ^this. I fully agree!

  10. Ok, apparently there are ladders for warsong also http://armory.warmane.com/ladder/2v2/Warsong . Thats nice :)

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