1. Do you want to play with manly races like Orcs and Tauren? Join the Horde.
    Do you want to play with unicorns and pixies and Gnomes? Join the Alliance.

  2. LOL

    But you showed only one alliance race there.
    Dwarves are fun, but very niche lorewise and the rest of alliance are pixies and hop-flipping kiddy elves that would make Tolkien roll in his grave.

    Well. You got some wolves finally for something more mature - but blizz still managed to make them kiddy-like.

    Alliance = carebear kiddy theme
    Horde = hardcore fantasy world theme

    I honestly wish it wasnt so. I used to play gnomes in Everquest all the time. In WoW all the Alliance races were designed for 8 year olds though.
    I just cant take the game seriously enough to actually enjoy it when I try playing Alliance...

  3. I just cant take the game seriously enough to actually enjoy it when I try playing Alliance...
    ^^^ Exception being when I play dwarves.
    They still kiddi-fied them in WoW, but seriously....DWARVES...you cant go wrong with DWARVES! As long as they have a scottish accent = pwn.

  4. LOL

    But you showed only one alliance race there.
    Dwarves are fun, but very niche lorewise and the rest of alliance are pixies and hop-flipping kiddy elves that would make Tolkien roll in his grave.

    Well. You got some wolves finally for something more mature - but blizz still managed to make them kiddy-like.

    Alliance = carebear kiddy theme
    Horde = hardcore fantasy world theme

    I honestly wish it wasnt so. I used to play gnomes in Everquest all the time. In WoW all the Alliance races were designed for 8 year olds though.
    I just cant take the game seriously enough to actually enjoy it when I try playing Alliance...
    Would the pixies have this tanks?

    Alliance haven't ''gay'' races:

    Humans are humans, as you IRL^^
    Dwarves are hardcore.
    Draenei are doped aliens.
    Worgens are beasts.
    Gnomes are little engineers with the higher technology
    Night elf... are 90% females.

    The 50% of horde players play blood elves :D

  5. Weird, on Sargeras horde is instant qeueu and alliance take forever.

  6. Weird, on Sargeras horde is instant qeueu and alliance take forever.
    You know I keep hearing people talk about queue's and I feel stupid because I don't pvp and I don't know what that means, does the instant queue mean less people are horde than alliance?

    Here on Frostwolf I play both sides and what I've noticed is that horde always have more pages in the auction house like 550-600 and alliance has around 515 pages, I don't know if this reflects the population of the sides, maybe alliance has less pages because more people are playing and they are buying things faster than things being put up, or horde is more with more people posting auctions.

    Regardless of the above, when questing I feel like, especially in the later levels, I see much more alliance than horde.

    Also side note: From playing both sides I can also say that I was ganked by alliance considerably more as horde than I was ganked by horde as alliance.

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