1. May 8, 2015  
    why should ppl que up more? with this class bugs and unbalances this 'pvp' is more likely a degeneratged pve where ppl fighting with the server while they kicking each other's butt... warriors drink potions and uses spells in bs (and it cannot be interrupted) Shadowpriests can mc you in a bg / arena... Rogues can be feared and stunned with a spell during shadowcloak... pally can use layon on a low hp player in a smokebomb... mele cast's can make big dmg while disarmed... (With spells what requires mele wep equiped...) etc. there is a lot of issues... and with this issues you cannot do proper pvp b'cuz If you fight with a bugged cast with your bugged char that's realy emberrassing when you should kill him if everything goes well... and if all of your and his spells are working but no... one of your spell is broken and one of he's is overpovered... so tha game is not like that... -.- as I told before... this is not pvp. this is a degenerated pve.
    And on private servers you cannot do proper pvp or call yourself rank1 and pro... rank1 bugger and pro-bugged-s*t is pretty good, but real retail pvpers would laugh on this :D
    Wow not sure what you talking about.Rogue cloak reduces 90% chance you gonna be hitted by spell not 100%.Why priest should not be able to mc you while in arena/bg?And for last which exp. u talkin bout ? :\

  2. May 8, 2015  
    The only title that deserve most people in MOP is "Banned" for wintrading especialy from one "Ally" guild that they are farming each other at night .
    I can't tell you that 100% of them wintrading but 90% of them wintrading so crazy. I manage to steal few wins because i was always in queue but whats the point ?
    I don't want the free rating , i want fights and challenge even if i win or lose.

    Some people said that they played many arenas to get high rating, but i am wondering ..they count and alt+f4 games in their effort ? :P
    After so many years playing games i never understand what's the point to cheat even if u get a fake rank 1 somewhere especialy when people know that you already cheated.

  3. May 8, 2015  
    Wow not sure what you talking about.Rogue cloak reduces 90% chance you gonna be hitted by spell not 100%.Why priest should not be able to mc you while in arena/bg?And for last which exp. u talkin bout ? :\
    Read about it, cos is 100% resistance for 3 sec against the spells. And about MC: vs players it isn't 30 sec buff... and you can brake it! at least you should be able!

  4. May 8, 2015  
    Sry COS is not 3 sec it's 5 sec 100% full invulnerability for all spells. and with glyph you can get some resistance against phyisical dmg too! but that's 25%

  5. May 8, 2015  
    Sry COS is not 3 sec it's 5 sec 100% full invulnerability for all spells. and with glyph you can get some resistance against phyisical dmg too! but that's 25%
    COS is 5 sec , and 90% chance to resist all spells , read the spell before posting crap

  6. May 8, 2015  
    Anyhow , the reward system is brilliant , half of the ppl who cry on forums about rewards and stuff , will never reach top 5 , the other half are not active in the season , i guess someone thinks their openion somehow matters to someone , idk , the problem , the huge problem with wotlk realms is the pvp activity in the 3s bracket wich is close to 0 , i actualy saw more ques in 3s with the new reward system , wich is a good thing , but the biggest problem is that ppl do not play 3s , plain and simple ....the server is not obligated to increase rewards , or some ppl think they need to be paid to play or something , either you love pvp and 3v3 , either you don't , rewards should not be a motivation for playing , but playnig itself , idk why or how , but the 3v3 ladder needs to be revived , and one of the things that can revive it is the cross realm queue , wich will not happen soon , ppl just need to queue 3v3 , that's all.....

  7. May 8, 2015  
    COS is 5 sec , and 90% chance to resist all spells , read the spell before posting crap

    "Read the spell before posting crap"

  8. May 8, 2015  
    is it going to flush b4 the arena season end? cause regulary it flushes after 7pm so it would be awesome if that day it'd flush b4

  9. May 8, 2015  
    What is the news on wintrading? There are clearly teams that are doing it.... Earlier today que'd into a few 3's matches against players around 2.1k rating, then got a couple empty games of a team at a 2.2k+ mmr... I put in a ticket explaining the matter and was told to include evidence...? This needs to be controlled, otherwise there will be 15 players in 2's and 3's brackets that cheated their way to a free title. Explain to the players like myself who earned a legitimate rating the intended way how that is fair? I sure hope you will look into this matter because EVERYONE knows its going on and if a title for a player who earned a rating is given to someone who wintraded for 30 min, I will never play here again.

    Im with you my man !!!

  10. May 8, 2015  
    Wow not sure what you talking about.Rogue cloak reduces 90% chance you gonna be hitted by spell not 100%.Why priest should not be able to mc you while in arena/bg?And for last which exp. u talkin bout ? :\
    Wow, EVERYTHING you said is incorrect, literally everything.

  11. May 9, 2015  

    Guess who is rank 1 ? well of course the same exploiters as before exploiting the Engineering Cloak enchant , wich gives 28 spell power , cuz according to the wrathful gladiator priest , lock , and shammy , it is BIS enchant for casters , the fact that it's broken and gives the wearer reduced damage on active absorbs on the target is irelevant , the 28 spell power makes all the difference , not the Tailoring one wich gives 295 spell power , no , that is not bugged so nothing to exploit there , go for the 28 spell power , the fact that they are expliting is not a big deal , the thing that amazes me is the fact that they are doing this and taking rank 1's in 3's for the past 5-6 seasons and no one is doing anything to stop it ....

  12. May 9, 2015  

    Guess who is rank 1 ? well of course the same exploiters as before exploiting the Engineering Cloak enchant , wich gives 28 spell power , cuz according to the wrathful gladiator priest , lock , and shammy , it is BIS enchant for casters , the fact that it's broken and gives the wearer reduced damage on active absorbs on the target is irelevant , the 28 spell power makes all the difference , not the Tailoring one wich gives 295 spell power , no , that is not bugged so nothing to exploit there , go for the 28 spell power , the fact that they are expliting is not a big deal , the thing that amazes me is the fact that they are doing this and taking rank 1's in 3's for the past 5-6 seasons and no one is doing anything to stop it ....
    Oh boy junkie, I havn't laughed this hard in years. Thanks.
    I was hoping you would take a screenshot and post on forums. God you're stupid hahasfdhdoaspasdhashdgashaha

  13. May 9, 2015  

  14. May 9, 2015  
    I'm really really REALLY stupid
    Take a look at this Junkie
    Replace guild with arena team and it's basically this.

  15. May 9, 2015  

    Guess who is rank 1 ? well of course the same exploiters as before exploiting the Engineering Cloak enchant , wich gives 28 spell power , cuz according to the wrathful gladiator priest , lock , and shammy , it is BIS enchant for casters , the fact that it's broken and gives the wearer reduced damage on active absorbs on the target is irelevant , the 28 spell power makes all the difference , not the Tailoring one wich gives 295 spell power , no , that is not bugged so nothing to exploit there , go for the 28 spell power , the fact that they are expliting is not a big deal , the thing that amazes me is the fact that they are doing this and taking rank 1's in 3's for the past 5-6 seasons and no one is doing anything to stop it ....
    You take engineering for the gloves enchant obviously, since its far more superior compared to any other profession perk. Second best profession is jewelcrafting and blacksmithing is close behind to JC. Tailoring is not on par with any of the said professions due to it's rng, which leaves you with the choice of either going with 23 haste or 27 spell power from engineering as your cloak enchant. So the 27 spell power is indeed BiS cloak enchant for casters.

    There is absolutely nothing bugged with the engineering cloak enchant and literally anyone can test that.

    Next time instead of making fool out of yourself on forums for losing a game, you should analyse what mistakes you did and improve your own gameplay. As a free tip from me, I would suggest starting with keybinding Righteous Fury.

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