Dumb meatball,
Don't compare mainspells with white hits. You have no idea "how to test your damage".
I love your test damage at other warrior :P WTB plate gear for casters :D
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Dumb meatball,
Don't compare mainspells with white hits. You have no idea "how to test your damage".
I love your test damage at other warrior :P WTB plate gear for casters :D
Ok will try on cloth,which procs you want me to have? Selfbuffed? Avatar included?
Again,what's wrong with you guys? I NEVER TOLD THE DAMAGE IS NOT BUGGED.
even they fix proc stacking etc,Warrior would still be op ,like DW is the only thing that warior makes strong as it is lol.
On Bugtracker it do says "Doesn't work properly" it might means:
-Low dmg (14k noncrit slam though)
-high damage("135"k slam though)
(formula://crit:(slam) Crit that affects Slam might be bugged not Slam itself too.It's more complex that you think guys.
I will find AffliLock full geared,will SS the non proc and non burst Damage,after I'll SS with procs and burst.
any wishes? Avatar? beserking buf?
Edited: May 21, 2015
Tested it on warrior because someone said 100k bleeds on hpala and dk.lol i think this Synx is dk with 135k slams theory.
Meatball warrior without name FAIL http://prntscr.com/77o0sg
http://prntscr.com/77o25i lolololololololololololololololol
Edited: May 21, 2015
As soon as u started writing in caps , i stopped reading .
Who gives a **** about your posts, you're full of **** trying to defend ur class desperately.
Yes, I was right. You're full of Shi.t http://prntscr.com/77o4fu This pic proves everything. You're gonna do another name change now? You just made a full of urself
To the girl or w/e that said about his boyfriend , tellin that he has lots and lots of keybinds. Hmm, bladestorm in 5 different binds perhaps? So when he proceeds to faceroll the keyboard, just make sure it hits the right button. Amirite?
Edited: May 21, 2015
Thing is they could be disarmed in cat form in retail MoP. Turns out you know less about retail than you want to make us believe.
If you put his numbers into a calculator, you will see that they are in line with the actual formulas from blizzard with respect to hitting a well geared plate wearer. Which - on top of my own experience - leaves me with the conclusion that the direct calculations of the skills themselves are not erroneous.
Also, you should reconsider your expectations about the amount of warrior palyers crying after a fix to whatever exploit there is and/or the DW issue. I'm usually #1-3 damage in BGs and I'm not seeing those huge numbers when dealing damage. So what kind of huge drop in damage output can all those warriors expect who are dealing less damage then I do?
Haha you just Wrecked yourself low-rating-rager prick :D Now check how you made fool of yourselfs by reading like 10 year old kids.
the Sentence with " caps" Says "Inever said damage is not bugged" it means that the damage overall is bugged due to PROCS stack,BUFF stack and Resiliance imperfection. +1 me
However,other sentence "WARRIOR damage is not bugged",means that the Formulas are correct ,it's tested and confirmed by Developers and test Moderators . +1 me
So conclusion is that Warrior as class itself is not bugged.On the other hand BUFF/PROC stack and resiliance holes are,which making certain skills do more damage then intended.
Won the arguement.
Edited: May 21, 2015
:D OMG you guys :D
You do seem to have a lot of knowledge about classes you never played and people you never met. But it's okay, since nothing you said on this thread makes sense, and you missed the point of everyone else's comments. I think you're just sad no one here wants to admire your "skill".