1. What's wrong with Random Battleground Finder

    The problem is basically this: you join a BG and you click through the players. Suddenly it hits you! 2/10 players have under 150k life e.g. =not a single item equiped (starting gear doesn't count)

    What's the reason for not having a gearcheck like in Wotlk for RDF HC, hence you can't join naked?

    I'm not saying there should be a high gear cap ( one can buy ilvl 408 from a vendor..) but having no items at all is just honor leeching and is equally bad as anti afking in BGs...
    Can I report people for doing this ?
    Is there a solution being worked on for this?


  2. RDF always had gear requirements. Battlegrounds don't have gear requirements and aren't supposed to have them. And there is no solution planned since it's working as it should. You can only report them if they are not doing anything whole battleground. If they are trying to participate then there is nothing to report even if they are not helping much with their gear.

  3. Doing this is way beyond "not helping". It literally destroys the game.
    I do think gear requirements or "smart queuing" is nessesary.

  4. Both teams usually have players with low gear in the battleground.

  5. u must be joking or completly missing my point...

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