1. Yeah, it's really outrageous to have to resort to that underperforming and weak double nokaleds hemo spec and delete people in cheapshot
    You seem to be assuming i like hemo spec. I dont, i tried it with normal nokaleds and it was boring as **** so i went dagger spec. Also i quite clearly stated pve, im curious why are you so salty as to have a go at me?

  2. If anything I suggest for everybody to show their support by upvoting the bugtracker report: https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/237

  3. "Downvoting is currently disabled."

  4. "Downvoting is currently disabled."
    <Puppy Patrol> is merging with <Vae Victis> tomorrow.

    Surprise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  5. <Puppy Patrol> is merging with <Vae Victis> tomorrow.

    Surprise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    1PM if I'm not mistaken right? Want to come TB to get farmed by us in celebration? It will be a great laugh.
    There is already plans going on in the horde as we speak, something DDS and infected should worry about ... But il mention it later after the planning phases have already gone through. Horde is going to be on the uprise soon I can tell you that
    Sorry dude, but a merge between you an Vae is far from worrying. Just means we get more toons to kill.

  6. <Puppy Patrol> is merging with <Vae Victis> tomorrow.

    Surprise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Don't know who you got your sources from but we ain't merging with vae victis lol ...

  7. Watch your snake shaped tongue alliance scumbag

  8. Doesn't say vae victis

  9. Who needs Rated Bgs...beter script another bg.Merge evrything you can.

  10. Please Warmane, you said you would listen more to your people. The bugtracker report of Rated BG's doesn't have the most votes without reason. The regular battlegrounds have become far too easy and the only fun games are when we finally encounter a premade once every few days. We don't care about titles and ranks, we just want to have some fun (and challenge) in PVPing again :).

  11. That's just my opinion, but maybe enabling rated BGs isn't an easy thing to do. Besides, a very small portion of the community would play them. Even when they were firstly launched at Cataclysm realms years ago, with all the hype for it being a new feature and such, it was very rare to see games happening (I was there to see it happen, even on the most active guilds it was very rare to see a match). Maybe it would be better to spend time with features more people would play, such as a new battleground.
    Rated bg's would get more attention if the same faction rbgs would be finally fixed.. Also it would take time for people to get used to it (that it is avaible) before its active. Turning it off just cause "that an amount of atleast 20,000 active players would be required for an active ladder is not only incorrect, but also irrelevant." Is dumb. U want to be blizzlike so turn it on . Fix same faction bgs and community will be happy playing it or not. Tho its there ready to be used.
    CLB would also help to have rbgs with warsong. And rbgs are way funnier and better than 3s or normal bgs.

  12. Wolf Pack + Hells Angels + Echoes of Death woooo!



  13. Wolf Pack + Hells Angels + Echoes of Death woooo!


    Who the **** is echoes of death? o.O I remember Hells Angels back when I was horde, either gold begging me or running with their toons to TRY to cap in Arena...most sucked.

    If this is really who Wolf Pack are merging with then they aren't gonna put fear into us, just relief at the fact we can farm 3 guilds at once.

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