1. July 4, 2015  

    Back to Warmane which class to pick.

    Hey guys I'm about to start playing on Ragnaros,I played here before the wipe of charachters and now i decided i want to start again.I will do both PvP and PvE.The classes i'm interested in playing are Enhancement Shaman,Elemental Shaman,Shadow priest,Frost Death Knight and Fire mage.So can you tell me something about all of them now and which one would be good for pve/pvp and why :) .

  2. July 4, 2015  
    Spriests, FDKs and Fire mages are excellent choices for PVE.

  3. July 5, 2015  
    Spriests, FDKs and Fire mages are excellent choices for PVE.
    Since when was Fire Mage a viable pick in pve? 3.X was all about the Arcane man.

    Better choices for 3.3.5

    Ret Paladin

    Arcane Mage

    Combat/Assin Rogue



    and that's about it. Some other class/specs are viable, but they really aren't the heavy hitters like the classes above.

  4. July 6, 2015  
    your forgeting about the boomkin and feral dps. feral was my favorite to level and also once you got full armor pen it was nuts. also since we are starting in Naxx yes feral is top dps bar none

  5. July 6, 2015  
    Since when was Fire Mage a viable pick in pve? 3.X was all about the Arcane man.

    Better choices for 3.3.5

    Ret Paladin

    Arcane Mage

    Combat/Assin Rogue



    and that's about it. Some other class/specs are viable, but they really aren't the heavy hitters like the classes above.
    Where are the hunters?

  6. July 7, 2015  
    Hey guys I'm about to start playing on Ragnaros,I played here before the wipe of charachters and now i decided i want to start again.I will do both PvP and PvE.The classes i'm interested in playing are Enhancement Shaman,Elemental Shaman,Shadow priest,Frost Death Knight and Fire mage.So can you tell me something about all of them now and which one would be good for pve/pvp and why :) .
    Pick a class that you enjoy playing , doesn't matter if it's needed or not . You'll find your way eventually .

  7. July 7, 2015  
    Depends if your horde or alliance,
    Horde mostly but may have changed via the other server merge. a lot of EU on alliance ill be positive but thinking of incidences.

    hunters lvl quick, good pvp, good pve,
    monks great heals and dps,
    druids max melee damage is later when 490+ boom good after 490+ great heals
    locks just pown,
    warriors just pown,
    mages very cold ,
    priest ? no clue,
    dk no clue
    sham's as we expect,
    rogues as we expect.
    so now we are back to where we started..
    Edited: July 7, 2015

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