1. Cataclysm races : Worgen and Goblin?
    I really do hope you are joking >.>

  2. Oh really? No custom features? Outland 1 month after launch? Northrend and DKs 2 months after launch? Limited coin store? Portals from cities to other cities? Chests for coins? WoD character models? Nothing custom and different from Blizz right? #doublestandards

  3. Oh really? No custom features? Outland 1 month after launch? Northrend and DKs 2 months after launch? Limited coin store? Portals from cities to other cities? Chests for coins? WoD character models? Nothing custom and different from Blizz right? #doublestandards
    Releasing timed content to enhance the progression feel isn't custom content - would you call not scripting something "custom content"? I hope not.
    Limited coin store is a necessity - or do you want a full Blizzard experience, including the monthly fee? We have to pay the bills somehow and that was the "Blizz-like" way to do t.
    Portals and chests were an idea Kaer threw in there, a possibility. It's not set in stone and I wouldn't be surprised with it being scratched considering players in general seem to want no custom content.
    Character models are client-side patch to let you see improved graphics. Nothing new and nothing people didn't already do themselves - and no custom content in the servers.

    But if you still want to see double standards, that's fine. We just won't add races from other expansions because of that.

  4. All sounds good, but
    Limited coin store:
    - Item availability based on realm's progression
    - Item availability based on in-game obtainability
    - Must have a lower tier equipped before higher item can be obtained using coins
    - Item level requirement (i.e. must have Edge of Agony equipped before Fleshrender can be obtained using coins
    - Increased item coin costs
    Still p2w :DansGame: Please, no donor gear, don't ruin it again.

  5. Yes, ideas, and all I did was ask about those two races, throwing an idea in the mix and that was it.
    No demand, no nothing, and the "double standard" was meant at the people who replied to my comment, who are obviously biased towards WotLK content and love bashing people who like other exapnsions other than WotLK.
    Also, don't take this the wrong way, but with 6 realms where donations are possible, and with the long history of both AT and Molten, I highly doubt that you would actually need donations on this realm as well. And I'm not against donations themselves, I'm against donating and receiving something in return that gives you an edge over the other players. As far as I understand, that's what ruined the Molten realm in the first place. And yet you still implement donating for items on this realm as well.
    I understand that you need a certain item, like your example, to upgrade, but still, going from 245 ilvl to 258 ilv is a pretty big boost.
    IMO, donations for items should NOT be allowed on this realm. True players who want to see this project live on would donate without expecting a reward.
    Thanks for the reply and hope you don't take this the wrong way.

  6. Also, don't take this the wrong way, but with 6 realms where donations are possible, and with the long history of both AT and Molten, I highly doubt that you would actually need donations on this realm as well. And I'm not against donations themselves, I'm against donating and receiving something in return that gives you an edge over the other players. As far as I understand, that's what ruined the Molten realm in the first place. And yet you still implement donating for items on this realm as well.
    I understand that you need a certain item, like your example, to upgrade, but still, going from 245 ilvl to 258 ilv is a pretty big boost.
    IMO, donations for items should NOT be allowed on this realm. True players who want to see this project live on would donate without expecting a reward.
    I don't deal with the finances at all, so I can't say if you're correct or not. But even if you might be, Administration manages each server as a separate entity that has to be self-sustaining. Drawing donations from other servers can become a slippery slope. Because of that this server would still need a bare minimum, likely to in the very least break even with its maintenance costs. You can rest assured many, if not all Staff members would rather it was viable to have no need for donations and keep a server "pure", but the people who would actually donate without caring about having an use for their coins is a tiny minority.

  7. Dungeon Finder disabled
    Disabled for good, or enabled eventually as time goes by?

  8. Any 'daily' update soon :P ?
    Id like to see updated quest % numbers , but not just in Northend , how about % of working quests in northend too ?I personaly enjoy this kind of stuff as i myself did like 4000 quests in molten WoTlk and continued with ALL quests in molten cataclysm. Had like 5000 quests done and knew them all just by name, which was bugged which wasnt.Outland Northend , Cataclysm , i literaly knew all the quests , bugged ones and not working ones.
    Not gonna ask about Kingdoms and Kalimdor, but i hope they are getting as much attention as Northend is ?
    Its much more frustrating when you encounter bugged quest while below 60 because you walked/used slow mount and mobs grinded you hard and you spent more time trying to do quest just so you can walk your way back because quest was bugged.This is not as big issue when you are higher level because it has less impact on player of higher level.

    So yeah , really high hopes on pre-TBC quest zones,because thats where it matters IMHO, if you encounter bugged quests while low level than people tend to give up or have low hopes about endgame quests.
    Edited: July 10, 2015

  9. ...
    Not gonna ask about Kingdoms and Kalimdor, but i hope they are getting as much attention as Northend is ?
    EK + Kalimdor quests about 95%. Idk about a dungeons quests because i didn't do them but i guess they works pretty damn well too.

  10. just wondering ... for those who are playing Beta server ... they will lose everything, so maybe we could get atleast a Tital like "Beta tester" or " The one Who was There" smthng like that.

  11. just wondering ... for those who are playing Beta server ... they will lose everything, so maybe we could get atleast a Tital like "Beta tester" or " The one Who was There" smthng like that.
    Hmm... No? :D

  12. What if testers got the Contest Winner's Tabard and a retired or removed mount like the Swift Zhevra as a thank you for helping when the official server starts?

  13. maybe not mount ... but title would be realy nice

  14. EK + Kalimdor quests about 95%. Idk about a dungeons quests because i didn't do them but i guess they works pretty damn well too.
    Rofl, nope , not on live realms.Maybe like 70% top. Thats like every 3rd quest not working or hardly/wrongly working.


    Kaer , once Lordaeron is live is there maybe plan to do exact same thing with WoD(not in features but development dedication).
    Any plan to like hardcore focus on WoD scripting with open PTR ?
    If 6.2 is really final patch than i think its time to start fully rushing towards WoD.
    Edited: July 10, 2015

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