1. July 9, 2015  
    Rogues shouldn't have a strength trinket, no matter what the proc is. You're going to get more benefit from a PvP crit trinket or an agility trinket. The attack power you get from Agility is going to be far more valuable than what comes from strength. Leave the BLF to the DK's, Pallies, and Warriors. So what if other rogues have it? It's not their fault that you logged in late and it was gone. Grab an agility trinket and just pew pew more. Besides, you won't need the extra 35k damage every 15 seconds, that you say you get, if you could keep the player perma-CC'd. Played against a lot of rogues that could keep a constant CC up on me and just tear me down in seconds. What's the point of having 1 35k hit every 15 seconds if the fight will maybe only last 20-30 seconds? Why not just stack agility like a normal rogue and have huge crits and high damage every second of that 20-30 second fight?

  2. Rogues shouldn't have a strength trinket, no matter what the proc is. You're going to get more benefit from a PvP crit trinket or an agility trinket. The attack power you get from Agility is going to be far more valuable than what comes from strength. Leave the BLF to the DK's, Pallies, and Warriors. So what if other rogues have it? It's not their fault that you logged in late and it was gone. Grab an agility trinket and just pew pew more. Besides, you won't need the extra 35k damage every 15 seconds, that you say you get, if you could keep the player perma-CC'd. Played against a lot of rogues that could keep a constant CC up on me and just tear me down in seconds. What's the point of having 1 35k hit every 15 seconds if the fight will maybe only last 20-30 seconds? Why not just stack agility like a normal rogue and have huge crits and high damage every second of that 20-30 second fight?
    Why stack agility like a normal rogue when you can use a proc that benefits from Find Weakness and 100-0 a plate user in a single opener, which lasts 5 seconds or so? And why have 20-30 second fights, where anything that causes you to lose can happen, when you can have a 5 second fight, which reduces the odds of you losing?
    Edited: July 10, 2015

  3. You must have tested it on Neltharion because there is no way you can queue with these HC items here. You can't even queue with elite relic on Warsong...
    It was on warsong and still works on warsong (tested again on warsong works like a charm), I can que with my mate easy i got "unavailable" but if you wait like 1min you get queue pop up.

    System broken. Plus working if your team mate queue into arena you get instantly pop up.

    First all test your self later comment.

    Plus i can go on pve realm with two agility trinkets having around 11-13k agility with 20-22k attack power (unbuffed) and around 48-50% crit, and having same damage output as two proc trinkets over 20seconds. Just i have every second nice crits/double crits. Str is useless and waste of stats. Over 20sec extra 35k proves nothing on rogue. If enemy survive your burst you are clearly meatball and trinkets wont help you.
    Edited: July 10, 2015 Reason: For Noobs who think HC not evailable in arenas.

  4. First all test your self later comment.
    Feel free to donate me a transfer or HC, then maybe I can go about testing this. Kappa

    Anyways....everyone knows STR is a useless stat for rogues, but its the proc that keeps them interested. This "extra 35k" everyone downplays so much is actually the damage output on the LOW end. When this mongo **** crits it goes upwards of 60k; coupled with the AGI stack you get like 48% crit so you do the math. This extra 60k is something the rogue wouldn't otherwise have if it wasn't for this trinket.

  5. Well, I figured the 35k was an average. Sure 60k is nice and all, but that's only once every 15 seconds. I guess it's not really any different than the ret pallies using Gurth + T13 2-piece. Oh well. Another reason, is I'm tired of seeing all these people mismatching gear. Like a resto shaman using strength cloak and rings, agility stuff with some intellect thrown in. That and people thinking PvP gear is okay for PvE on Nelth, but that's Neltharion. Lol.

  6. Feel free to donate me a transfer or HC, then maybe I can go about testing this. Kappa

    Anyways....everyone knows STR is a useless stat for rogues, but its the proc that keeps them interested. This "extra 35k" everyone downplays so much is actually the damage output on the LOW end. When this mongo **** crits it goes upwards of 60k; coupled with the AGI stack you get like 48% crit so you do the math. This extra 60k is something the rogue wouldn't otherwise have if it wasn't for this trinket.
    useless? nah
    1 strength = 1 attack power for rogue while
    1 agility = 2 attack power for rogue
    1 agility ~ 2.6 attack power for Sub rogue

    you can easily test it ingame

    do you even rogue?

  7. useless? nah
    1 strength = 1 attack power for rogue while
    1 agility = 2 attack power for rogue
    1 agility ~ 2.6 attack power for Sub rogue

    you can easily test it ingame

    do you even rogue?
    ahahahahahhaah good one +1 :) made my day.

  8. useless? nah
    1 strength = 1 attack power for rogue while
    1 agility = 2 attack power for rogue
    1 agility ~ 2.6 attack power for Sub rogue

    you can easily test it ingame

    do you even rogue?

    What exactly are you trying to disprove? All I got from your post is that AGI is the favorable stat for rogue over STR, which was exactly one of the points I was trying to make.
    Edited: July 11, 2015 Reason: Added quote

  9. What exactly are you trying to disprove? All I got from your post is that AGI is the favorable stat for rogue over STR, which was exactly one of the points I was trying to make.
    Feel free to donate me a transfer or HC, then maybe I can go about testing this. Kappa

    Anyways....everyone knows STR is a useless stat for rogues, but its the proc that keeps them interested. This "extra 35k" everyone downplays so much is actually the damage output on the LOW end. When this mongo **** crits it goes upwards of 60k; coupled with the AGI stack you get like 48% crit so you do the math. This extra 60k is something the rogue wouldn't otherwise have if it wasn't for this trinket.
    you said str is useless, and im saying it aint.

    PS: just dueled some rogue with link and vos while being in ruthless gear, lets say he sucked donkey dick. so in the end skill is what wins arenas/duels
    Edited: July 12, 2015

  10. It's not that strength is useless, it's pointless. It's so pointless to waste a slot on a strength trinket that might give you some extra damage when you could instead use an agility trinket and double the AP that you would have had.

  11. "So what if other rogues have it? It's not their fault that you logged in late and it was gone."

    I don't really know what to say here. Warsong should be an equal playing ground. Removing the trinket should mean that every rogue has to play without it, not just removing it from the vendor. The same goes for other pve gear such as mage belt/bracers etc that has been removed in the past. Kinda stupid if you ask me.

    .. and yes I have bone link on my rogue, so inb4 you say I'm salty. :^)

  12. Another thing to add is that rogues who bought it before the change still have the +458 STR version. The one they replaced in the vendor is the +406 STR version with attached class restrictions. So not only do rogues who bought it before still get to keep it, but the rightful classes who Blizzard intended it for now have to settle with a ****tier version of it. They have inadvertently made this trinket even more rogue exclusive.

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