1. June 4, 2015  

    How do I beat a paladin?


    I play shadow priest and it seems my job in bg is to burn paladin wings cds, because every time I attack one I get repentance>stun>wings, at this point I'll trinket and use fear, the paladin will use his trinket and kill me in 2 seconds, literally, the only thing I see is a lot of damage. I have 703 resilience, but what is 400 more if I die in 2 seconds?

    Ps even without wings, paladins kill everything, on molten that is.

    Edit: Take a look at this video and skip to 1:32 and you'll know what I'm talking about.
    Edited: June 4, 2015

  2. June 4, 2015  
    Resilience is most likely a large problem here, but basically, you want to dot him up, keep the dots on him, make sure your PW:S is always up. Whenever you fear, take a second to apply POM and heal up. Use your silences and disarms and just let the dots work him down. It doesn't have to be a quick kill, just focus on staying alive. Paladins dont have tons of interrupts, and their stun is up only every minute. If you get low on health, just disperse and hopefully when you come out, your bubble is up or you can fear and heal.

    TL:DR - dont try to burst him down, let the dots kill him will focusing on staying alive. only nuke if youve got the range or hp pool to afford it.

  3. June 4, 2015  
    Thanks a lot. I always panic and try to kill him as fast as possible with little care for my hp.

  4. June 4, 2015  
    Make sure you got your shield up, then DoT the poor sucker up and try to keep your distance and HP to a healthy amount. If he's smart (which most paladins are not), he will use Purify to dispel DP without risking getting smashed by Vampiric Touch. You already know your job as a wings-remover - Fear and Dispel as soon as you see them. Dispelling Sacred Shield and any other buffs he has is also not a bad idea and something you can do as soon as you enter range. When he bubbles make sure to dispel it immediately and fear him if you're going for the kill, or you can just follow his example and get full HP if you don't have fear.

    All in all, as it was mentioned above, it's not a quick fight - SPs generally have zero burst on one hand, and on the other hand palas have selfheals, bubble, Sacred Shield, Purify and whatnot... But in the end you'll win. SPs are capable of 1v1ing EVERYTHING on WotLK, remember this.
    Edited: June 4, 2015

  5. June 4, 2015  
    In my opinion, this is a pipe dream. They will dispel everything. DP dispel hits for like 2k or even less. You guys are delusional.

  6. June 8, 2015  
    Spam dispell on paladin. You can dispell everything except Seal from him.

  7. June 9, 2015  
    In my opinion, this is a pipe dream. They will dispel everything. DP dispel hits for like 2k or even less. You guys are delusional.
    u w0t m9? Are you high or something? If you think a Paladin can survive just by dispelling DP, then you must be high. Otherwise I'm gonna say Vampiric Touch and Silent Resolve.

  8. Your best shot is to run, heal and spam DP. Reapply VT when needed. You have something unique - yout shield. I highly suggest you to get the "shieldwatch" addon, it will make your life a lot easier. Knowing how much of your shield absorb is left is awesome in pvp. As said before, smart palas will purify instead of cleanse, which makes it almost pointless to try applying SWP. Dispel their wings. Use Dispersion as a survivability ability, not as a mana regeneration one. Psychic horror is awesome too.

  9. u w0t m9? Are you high or something? If you think a Paladin can survive just by dispelling DP, then you must be high. Otherwise I'm gonna say Vampiric Touch and Silent Resolve.
    Yeah sorry I meant by dispelling Vampiric Touch. Silent Resolve is something that you might not have.

  10. For a spec which relies on DoTs it would be rather silly not to pick Silent Resolve imo.

  11. Whats the situation after fixed seal?

  12. Whats the situation after fixed seal?
    2 keys gently pressed in fairy form by the ret's hardened nipples no longer kill a shadow priest through dispersion while he's on a different continent.

    Spoiler: Show
    Now it takes 3.

    Spoiler: Show
    Just kidding, fighting rets as shadow is like fighting traffic - you just mind the lights and you're fine.

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