1. looking at the "estimated time" maybe you will play, but not this summer for sure :D
    They are moving fast, they said they are done with northrend quests 8-9 days ago and moved to outland which is deffinately easier than northrend and then in vanila there are even less not working quests so i guess quests will be done soon, and meanwhile they work on raids and dungeons too i guess if work goes as it did so far with no unexpected big problems in a month from now they should be just about done

  2. They are moving fast, they said they are done with northrend quests 8-9 days ago and moved to outland which is deffinately easier than northrend and then in vanila there are even less not working quests so i guess quests will be done soon, and meanwhile they work on raids and dungeons too i guess if work goes as it did so far with no unexpected big problems in a month from now they should be just about done
    Where did you hear that? I haven't seen an update in almost 2 weeks. Chat maybe?

  3. Where did you hear that? I haven't seen an update in almost 2 weeks. Chat maybe?
    Read between the lines :P

  4. they post massages in pages and not in the first 1 - probably coz others doing the updates and not kaer himswlf

  5. Can anyone (who plays on ptr) write something about the low level dungeons? Like dead mines, wailing caverns, razorfens, zul farakk, etc.

  6. Can anyone (who plays on ptr) write something about the low level dungeons? Like dead mines, wailing caverns, razorfens, zul farakk, etc.
    I've done most of them up to Scarlet Monestary, so far they all work fine.

  7. Can anyone (who plays on ptr) write something about the low level dungeons? Like dead mines, wailing caverns, razorfens, zul farakk, etc.
    Working. A few minor bugs with quests inside some of the instances, a few minor bugs with bosses abilities. It will be fixed since its on the bugtracker. I would recommend u join the server and try them out for urself, to make sure they work 100% :)

    EDIT: Follow Kherroxis here on the thread, hes doing ALL of the instances to check them out. Truly dedicated guy doing testing for free xD

  8. Working. A few minor bugs with quests inside some of the instances, a few minor bugs with bosses abilities. It will be fixed since its on the bugtracker. I would recommend u join the server and try them out for urself, to make sure they work 100% :)

    EDIT: Follow Kherroxis here on the thread, hes doing ALL of the instances to check them out. Truly dedicated guy doing testing for free xD
    And we 3 are on the same guild? :D

  9. I've done most of them up to Scarlet Monestary, so far they all work fine.
    Zul Farrak, the event of the prisioners are bugged I think

  10. Czesc kto pl
    zrobi ktos ze mna gildie ????
    jak cos to gram orkiem

  11. Update time,

    Lordaeron development, testing and corrections are running smoothly, Outland has nearly been fully tested while Northrend is being corrected. There has been a lot of progress in raids, oll of the first revisions for the Wotlk raids have been fully tested and corrections are being made. Ulduar is currently in focus with fixes to Freya, Kologarn, Yogg-saron, Mimiron, Razorscale, Deconstructor, Auriaya and Hodir

    Legendary quest chains have also been scripted and fully tested. We are currently looking into old exploits in the Shadowmourne quest chain to make sure that this quest chain is fully working and safe to release (If the quest chain will be released immediately with the release of ICC is still being discussed)
    Wintergrasp has also been opened on Lordaeron and is being tested

    In order to avoid exploiting on the other wotlk realms, the changelog i am about to post just contains info about what was bugged and fixed, without revealing any info about the nature of the issue. Instances have been left out of this.

    Spoiler: Show

    General Issues

    * Creatures and players get in combat just by standing near someone who is in combat - Fixed
    * Movement turning speed is not correct, npc instantly turn towards their target when its moving (only creates a visual issue) - Fixed
    * Creatures cannot turn unless they are moving - Fixed
    * Using instance portals will make the player walk fast instead of run (animation issue) - Fixed
    * When in the water npc cannot follow players vertically - Fixed

    Class Spell Fixes

    * Rune CD reduction system implemented
    * Scourge Strike (spellID 55090) - Fixed
    * Runic Return (PvP 4 piece bonus) - Fixed
    * Ghoul Energy - Fixed
    * Bladestorm (spellID 46924) - Fixed
    * Thunderstorm (spellID 51490) reflection - Fixed
    * Hand of Protection (spell ID 10278) - Fixed
    * Aspect of the Monkey (spellID 13163) - Fixed
    * Pet Intervene (53476) - Fixed
    * Hemorrhage (48660) - Fixed
    * Hymn of Hope (spellID 64904) - Fixed
    * Strength of Earth Totem (spellID 8075) - Fixed
    * Chain Heal (spellID 1064) - Fixed
    * Feral Spirit (spellID 51533) - Fixed
    * Call of the Elements (spellID 66842) - Fixed
    * Demonic Pact (spellID 47240) - Fixed
    * Curse Stacking - Fixed
    * Imp Fire Shield - Fixed
    * Pet Auto Cast - Fixed
    * Health Funnel LoS - Fixed
    * Focus Magic (spellID 54646) - Fixed
    * Blast Wave (42945) - Fixed
    * Rake (spellID 59886) - Fixed

    Northrend Fixes

    * The Defense of Warsong Hold (questID 11596) - Fixed
    * Bury Those Cockroaches! (questID 11608) - Fixed
    * Shrouds of the Scourge (questID 11628) - Fixed
    * Pollen from the Source (questID 11717) - Fixed
    * Jenny (npcID 25969) - Fixed
    * Karuk’s Oath (questID 11613) - Fixed
    * Kaw the Mammoth Destroyer (questID 11879) - Fixed
    * Karen “I Don’t Caribou” the Culler (npcID 25803) - Fixed
    * Marsh Caribou (npcID 25680) - Fixed
    * Vrykul Landing Ship (npcID 25762) - Fixed
    * Frozen Phylactery (objectID 188141) - Fixed
    * En’kilah Blood Globe (npcID 25534) - Fixed
    * Last Rites (questID 12019) - Fixed
    * Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty (questID 11788) - Fixed
    * Magmoth Fire Totem (npcID 25444) - Fixed
    * Hah… You’re Not So Big Now! (questID 11653) - Fixed
    * Escape from the Winterfin Caverns (questID 11570) - Fixed
    * We Strike (questID 11592) - Fixed
    * The Echo of Ymiron (questID 11343) - Fixed
    * There Exists No Honor Among Birds (questID 11470) - Fixed
    * Absholutely… Thish Will Work! (questID 11330) - FIxed
    * “Mad” Jonah Sterling (npcID 24742) - Fixed
    * Winterskorn Rune-Seer (npcID 23667) - Fixed
    * Alanya (npcID 27933) - Fixed
    * The Frost Wyrm and its Master (questID 11238 / 11267) - Fixed
    * Gjalerbron Prisoner (npcID 24035) - Fixed
    * We Call Him Steelfeather (questID 11418) - Fixed
    * It Goes to 11… (questID 11421) - Fixed
    * Let’s Go Surfing Now (questID 11436) - Fixed
    * Plague Container (objectID 186390) - Fixed
    * North Fleet Reservist (npcID 24120) - Fixed
    * Test at Sea (questID 11170) - Fixed
    * New Agamand (questID 11304) - Fixed
    * Big Roy (npcID 24785) - Fixed
    * Warning: Some Assembly Required (questID 11310) - Fixed
    * Shadow of Thael’zan the Duskbringer (npcID 27510) - Fixed
    * Necrolord Amarion (npcID 27508) - Fixed
    * Steamtank Surprise (questID 12326) - Fixed
    * Onslaught Raven Priest (npcID 27202) - Fixed
    * Juntha’kalar (areaID 4194) - Fixed
    * Dead Mage Hunter (npcID 26477) - Fixed
    * Splintered Bone Chunk (objectID 188441) - Fixed
    * 7th Legion Chain Gun (npcID 27714) - Fixed
    * Scourge Test Subject (npcID 27822) - Fixed
    * Return To Angrathar (questID 12499 and 12500) - Fixed
    * The Focus on the Beach (questID 12066 and 12065) - Fixed
    * Commander Jordan (npcID 27237) - Fixed
    * Mystery of the Infinite, Redux (questID 13343) - Fixed
    * Sarathstra, Scourge of the North (questID 12097) - Fixed
    * The Thane of Voldrune (questID 12255 and 12259) - Fixed
    * Kodian Conversation Credit (npcID 27321) - Fixed
    * Ursoc the Bear God (questID 12236) - Fixed
    * We Have the Power (questID 12197) - Fixed
    * Subject to Interpretation (questID 11991) - Fixed
    * My Heart is in Your Hands (questID 12802) - Fixed
    * Riding the Red Rocket (questID 12432) - Fixed
    * Anatoly Will Talk (questID 12330) - Fixed
    * Kickin' Nass and Takin' Manes (questID 12630) - Fixed
    * Withered Troll (npcID 28519) - Fixed
    * Rampage (questID 12721) - Fixed
    * Drakuru “Lock Opener” (itemID 41161) - Fixed
    * Gerk (npcID 29455) - Fixed
    * Crusader Dargath (npcID 29468) - Fixed
    * Bowels and Brains Bowl (itemID 38701) - Fixed
    * Parachutes for the Argent Crusade (questID 12740) - Fixed
    * Rampaging Geist (npcID 28026) - Fixed
    * Troll Patrol: Whatdya Want, a Medal? (questID 12519) - Fixed
    * Troll Patrol: High Standards (questID 12502) - Fixed
    * Troll Patrol: Can You Dig It? (questID 12588) - Fixed
    * Tails Up (questID 13549) - FIxed
    * High Priestess Tua-Tua (npcID 28754) - Fixed
    * Apple (npcID 28053) - Fixed
    * Raised Mud (objectID 190779) - Fixed
    * Reconnaissance Flight (questID 12671) - Fixed
    * Primordial Drake (npcID 28378) - Fixed
    * Primordial Hatchling (npcID 28389) - Fixed
    * Ticking Bomb (npcID 29684) - Fixed
    * Titan Sentry (npcID 29066) - Fixed
    * Sholazar Guardian (npcID 28069) - Fixed
    * Frenzyheart Champion (questID 12582) - Fixed
    * Hand of the Oracles (questID 12689) - Fixed
    * A Hero’s Headgear (questID 12758) - Fixed
    * Reclamation (questID 12546) - Fixed
    * Expression of Gratitude (questID 12836) - Fixed
    * Bitter Departure (questID 12832) - Fixed
    * Hyldnir Overseer (npcID 29426) - Fixed
    * Dead Frost Giant (npcID 29544) - Fixed
    * Taking on All Challengers (questID 12971) - Fixed
    * Yulda the Stormspeaker (npcID 30046) - Fixed
    * Column Ornament (npcID 29754) - Fixed
    * Infesting Jormungar (npcID 30148) - Fixed
    * Catching up with Brann (questID 12920) - Fixed
    * The Hero’s Arms (questID 13049) - Fixed
    * Corpse of the Fallen Worg (npcID 32569) - Fixed
    * Thrusting Hodir's Spear (questID 13003) - Fixed
    * The Master Explorer (questID 12880) - Fixed
    * The Brothers Bronzebeard (questID 12973) - Fixed
    * Valkyrion Harpoon Gun (npcID 30066) - Fixed
    * Frozen Orb (npcID 29849) - Fixed
    * The Heart of the Storm (questID 12998) - Fixed
    * Crusader Bridenbrad (npcID 30562) - Fixed
    * Ruby Flower (npcID 30634) - Fixed
    * King of the Mountain (questID 13283) - Fixed
    * Assault by Ground (questID 13284 and 13301) - Fixed
    * Finish Me! (questID 13232) - Fixed
    * Avenge Me! (questID 13230) - Fixed
    * Volatility (questID 13239) - Fixed
    * That's Abominable! (questID 13288, 13289, 13264 and 13276) - Fixed
    * Overseer Faedris (npcID 32250) - FIxed
    * Cult Researcher (npcID 32297) - FIxed
    * Borrowed Technology (questID 13291) - Fixed
    * Kibli Killohertz (npcID 32444) - Fixed
    * Alumeth’s Remains (itemID 44480) - Fixed
    * Parting Gifts (questID 13168) - Fixed
    * Vile Like Fire (questID 13071) - Fixed
    * Jotunheim Rapid-Fire Harpoon (npcID 30337) - Fixed
    * Darkmender’s Tincture (itemID 40587) - Fixed
    * You’ll Need a Gryphon (questID 12814) - Fixed
    * The Art of Being a Water Terror (questID 13091) - Fixed
    * Jagged Shard (itemID 43242) - Fixed
    * Deathstorm (spellID 58912) - Fixed
    * The Hunter and the Prince (questID 13400) - Fixed
    * From Whence They Came (questID 13171) - Fixed
    * Iceskin Sentry (npcID 31012) - Fixed
    * Killing Two Scourge with One Skeleton (questID 13144) - Fixed
    * New Recruit (questID 13143) - Fixed
    * Fringe Engineer Tezzla (npcID 32430) - Fixed
    * The Black Knight’s Orders (questID 13663) - Fixed

    Outland Zones

    * Boiling Blood (questID 10538) - Fixed
    * Vlagga Freyfeather (npcID 18930) - Fixed
    * Wing Commander Dabir’ee (npcID 19409) - Fixed
    * Return to the Abyssal Shelf (questID 10346) - Fixed
    * Gathering the Reagents (questID 9801) - Fixed
    * Maktu (npcID 18010) - Fixed
    * Puluu (npcID 18009) - Fixed
    * Withered Basidium (questID 9827) - Fixed
    * WANTED: Boss Grog'ak (questID 9820) - Fixed
    * Protecting our Own (questID 10457) - Fixed
    * Wyrm From Beyond (npcID 21796) - Fixed
    * O’Mally’s Instrument Bunny (npcID 22021) - Fixed
    * Threat from Above (questID 11096) - Fixed
    * Spirits of Auchindoun (questID 11505) - Fixed
    * Escape from Firewing Point! (questID 10051) - Fixed
    * Fires Over Skettis (questID 11008) - Fixed

    Special Quest Chains

    * The Nightmare's Corruption (questID 8735) - Fixed
    * The Champion Returns (questID 8741) - Fixed

    If you find any issues there are several ways to report them
    1. Bugtracker - Just keep in mind that you may need to put "Lordaeron" in the name of the issue to avoid confusion
    2. Forum PM's - To members of the QA team
    3. This thread

  12. Thank you so much for the update :)) Keep up the good work guys and let us play soon :).Any info about time betwen expansions and some info about proggresive raiding??

  13. Update time,

    Lordaeron development, testing and corrections are running smoothly, Outland has nearly been fully tested while Northrend is being corrected. There has been a lot of progress in raids, oll of the first revisions for the Wotlk raids have been fully tested and corrections are being made. Ulduar is currently in focus with fixes to Freya, Kologarn, Yogg-saron, Mimiron, Razorscale, Deconstructor, Auriaya and Hodir

    Legendary quest chains have also been scripted and fully tested. We are currently looking into old exploits in the Shadowmourne quest chain to make sure that this quest chain is fully working and safe to release (If the quest chain will be released immediately with the release of ICC is still being discussed)
    Wintergrasp has also been opened on Lordaeron and is being tested

    In order to avoid exploiting on the other wotlk realms, the changelog i am about to post just contains info about what was bugged and fixed, without revealing any info about the nature of the issue. Instances have been left out of this.

    Spoiler: Show

    General Issues

    * Creatures and players get in combat just by standing near someone who is in combat - Fixed
    * Movement turning speed is not correct, npc instantly turn towards their target when its moving (only creates a visual issue) - Fixed
    * Creatures cannot turn unless they are moving - Fixed
    * Using instance portals will make the player walk fast instead of run (animation issue) - Fixed
    * When in the water npc cannot follow players vertically - Fixed

    Class Spell Fixes

    * Rune CD reduction system implemented
    * Scourge Strike (spellID 55090) - Fixed
    * Runic Return (PvP 4 piece bonus) - Fixed
    * Ghoul Energy - Fixed
    * Bladestorm (spellID 46924) - Fixed
    * Thunderstorm (spellID 51490) reflection - Fixed
    * Hand of Protection (spell ID 10278) - Fixed
    * Aspect of the Monkey (spellID 13163) - Fixed
    * Pet Intervene (53476) - Fixed
    * Hemorrhage (48660) - Fixed
    * Hymn of Hope (spellID 64904) - Fixed
    * Strength of Earth Totem (spellID 8075) - Fixed
    * Chain Heal (spellID 1064) - Fixed
    * Feral Spirit (spellID 51533) - Fixed
    * Call of the Elements (spellID 66842) - Fixed
    * Demonic Pact (spellID 47240) - Fixed
    * Curse Stacking - Fixed
    * Imp Fire Shield - Fixed
    * Pet Auto Cast - Fixed
    * Health Funnel LoS - Fixed
    * Focus Magic (spellID 54646) - Fixed
    * Blast Wave (42945) - Fixed
    * Rake (spellID 59886) - Fixed

    Northrend Fixes

    * The Defense of Warsong Hold (questID 11596) - Fixed
    * Bury Those Cockroaches! (questID 11608) - Fixed
    * Shrouds of the Scourge (questID 11628) - Fixed
    * Pollen from the Source (questID 11717) - Fixed
    * Jenny (npcID 25969) - Fixed
    * Karuk’s Oath (questID 11613) - Fixed
    * Kaw the Mammoth Destroyer (questID 11879) - Fixed
    * Karen “I Don’t Caribou” the Culler (npcID 25803) - Fixed
    * Marsh Caribou (npcID 25680) - Fixed
    * Vrykul Landing Ship (npcID 25762) - Fixed
    * Frozen Phylactery (objectID 188141) - Fixed
    * En’kilah Blood Globe (npcID 25534) - Fixed
    * Last Rites (questID 12019) - Fixed
    * Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty (questID 11788) - Fixed
    * Magmoth Fire Totem (npcID 25444) - Fixed
    * Hah… You’re Not So Big Now! (questID 11653) - Fixed
    * Escape from the Winterfin Caverns (questID 11570) - Fixed
    * We Strike (questID 11592) - Fixed
    * The Echo of Ymiron (questID 11343) - Fixed
    * There Exists No Honor Among Birds (questID 11470) - Fixed
    * Absholutely… Thish Will Work! (questID 11330) - FIxed
    * “Mad” Jonah Sterling (npcID 24742) - Fixed
    * Winterskorn Rune-Seer (npcID 23667) - Fixed
    * Alanya (npcID 27933) - Fixed
    * The Frost Wyrm and its Master (questID 11238 / 11267) - Fixed
    * Gjalerbron Prisoner (npcID 24035) - Fixed
    * We Call Him Steelfeather (questID 11418) - Fixed
    * It Goes to 11… (questID 11421) - Fixed
    * Let’s Go Surfing Now (questID 11436) - Fixed
    * Plague Container (objectID 186390) - Fixed
    * North Fleet Reservist (npcID 24120) - Fixed
    * Test at Sea (questID 11170) - Fixed
    * New Agamand (questID 11304) - Fixed
    * Big Roy (npcID 24785) - Fixed
    * Warning: Some Assembly Required (questID 11310) - Fixed
    * Shadow of Thael’zan the Duskbringer (npcID 27510) - Fixed
    * Necrolord Amarion (npcID 27508) - Fixed
    * Steamtank Surprise (questID 12326) - Fixed
    * Onslaught Raven Priest (npcID 27202) - Fixed
    * Juntha’kalar (areaID 4194) - Fixed
    * Dead Mage Hunter (npcID 26477) - Fixed
    * Splintered Bone Chunk (objectID 188441) - Fixed
    * 7th Legion Chain Gun (npcID 27714) - Fixed
    * Scourge Test Subject (npcID 27822) - Fixed
    * Return To Angrathar (questID 12499 and 12500) - Fixed
    * The Focus on the Beach (questID 12066 and 12065) - Fixed
    * Commander Jordan (npcID 27237) - Fixed
    * Mystery of the Infinite, Redux (questID 13343) - Fixed
    * Sarathstra, Scourge of the North (questID 12097) - Fixed
    * The Thane of Voldrune (questID 12255 and 12259) - Fixed
    * Kodian Conversation Credit (npcID 27321) - Fixed
    * Ursoc the Bear God (questID 12236) - Fixed
    * We Have the Power (questID 12197) - Fixed
    * Subject to Interpretation (questID 11991) - Fixed
    * My Heart is in Your Hands (questID 12802) - Fixed
    * Riding the Red Rocket (questID 12432) - Fixed
    * Anatoly Will Talk (questID 12330) - Fixed
    * Kickin' Nass and Takin' Manes (questID 12630) - Fixed
    * Withered Troll (npcID 28519) - Fixed
    * Rampage (questID 12721) - Fixed
    * Drakuru “Lock Opener” (itemID 41161) - Fixed
    * Gerk (npcID 29455) - Fixed
    * Crusader Dargath (npcID 29468) - Fixed
    * Bowels and Brains Bowl (itemID 38701) - Fixed
    * Parachutes for the Argent Crusade (questID 12740) - Fixed
    * Rampaging Geist (npcID 28026) - Fixed
    * Troll Patrol: Whatdya Want, a Medal? (questID 12519) - Fixed
    * Troll Patrol: High Standards (questID 12502) - Fixed
    * Troll Patrol: Can You Dig It? (questID 12588) - Fixed
    * Tails Up (questID 13549) - FIxed
    * High Priestess Tua-Tua (npcID 28754) - Fixed
    * Apple (npcID 28053) - Fixed
    * Raised Mud (objectID 190779) - Fixed
    * Reconnaissance Flight (questID 12671) - Fixed
    * Primordial Drake (npcID 28378) - Fixed
    * Primordial Hatchling (npcID 28389) - Fixed
    * Ticking Bomb (npcID 29684) - Fixed
    * Titan Sentry (npcID 29066) - Fixed
    * Sholazar Guardian (npcID 28069) - Fixed
    * Frenzyheart Champion (questID 12582) - Fixed
    * Hand of the Oracles (questID 12689) - Fixed
    * A Hero’s Headgear (questID 12758) - Fixed
    * Reclamation (questID 12546) - Fixed
    * Expression of Gratitude (questID 12836) - Fixed
    * Bitter Departure (questID 12832) - Fixed
    * Hyldnir Overseer (npcID 29426) - Fixed
    * Dead Frost Giant (npcID 29544) - Fixed
    * Taking on All Challengers (questID 12971) - Fixed
    * Yulda the Stormspeaker (npcID 30046) - Fixed
    * Column Ornament (npcID 29754) - Fixed
    * Infesting Jormungar (npcID 30148) - Fixed
    * Catching up with Brann (questID 12920) - Fixed
    * The Hero’s Arms (questID 13049) - Fixed
    * Corpse of the Fallen Worg (npcID 32569) - Fixed
    * Thrusting Hodir's Spear (questID 13003) - Fixed
    * The Master Explorer (questID 12880) - Fixed
    * The Brothers Bronzebeard (questID 12973) - Fixed
    * Valkyrion Harpoon Gun (npcID 30066) - Fixed
    * Frozen Orb (npcID 29849) - Fixed
    * The Heart of the Storm (questID 12998) - Fixed
    * Crusader Bridenbrad (npcID 30562) - Fixed
    * Ruby Flower (npcID 30634) - Fixed
    * King of the Mountain (questID 13283) - Fixed
    * Assault by Ground (questID 13284 and 13301) - Fixed
    * Finish Me! (questID 13232) - Fixed
    * Avenge Me! (questID 13230) - Fixed
    * Volatility (questID 13239) - Fixed
    * That's Abominable! (questID 13288, 13289, 13264 and 13276) - Fixed
    * Overseer Faedris (npcID 32250) - FIxed
    * Cult Researcher (npcID 32297) - FIxed
    * Borrowed Technology (questID 13291) - Fixed
    * Kibli Killohertz (npcID 32444) - Fixed
    * Alumeth’s Remains (itemID 44480) - Fixed
    * Parting Gifts (questID 13168) - Fixed
    * Vile Like Fire (questID 13071) - Fixed
    * Jotunheim Rapid-Fire Harpoon (npcID 30337) - Fixed
    * Darkmender’s Tincture (itemID 40587) - Fixed
    * You’ll Need a Gryphon (questID 12814) - Fixed
    * The Art of Being a Water Terror (questID 13091) - Fixed
    * Jagged Shard (itemID 43242) - Fixed
    * Deathstorm (spellID 58912) - Fixed
    * The Hunter and the Prince (questID 13400) - Fixed
    * From Whence They Came (questID 13171) - Fixed
    * Iceskin Sentry (npcID 31012) - Fixed
    * Killing Two Scourge with One Skeleton (questID 13144) - Fixed
    * New Recruit (questID 13143) - Fixed
    * Fringe Engineer Tezzla (npcID 32430) - Fixed
    * The Black Knight’s Orders (questID 13663) - Fixed

    Outland Zones

    * Boiling Blood (questID 10538) - Fixed
    * Vlagga Freyfeather (npcID 18930) - Fixed
    * Wing Commander Dabir’ee (npcID 19409) - Fixed
    * Return to the Abyssal Shelf (questID 10346) - Fixed
    * Gathering the Reagents (questID 9801) - Fixed
    * Maktu (npcID 18010) - Fixed
    * Puluu (npcID 18009) - Fixed
    * Withered Basidium (questID 9827) - Fixed
    * WANTED: Boss Grog'ak (questID 9820) - Fixed
    * Protecting our Own (questID 10457) - Fixed
    * Wyrm From Beyond (npcID 21796) - Fixed
    * O’Mally’s Instrument Bunny (npcID 22021) - Fixed
    * Threat from Above (questID 11096) - Fixed
    * Spirits of Auchindoun (questID 11505) - Fixed
    * Escape from Firewing Point! (questID 10051) - Fixed
    * Fires Over Skettis (questID 11008) - Fixed

    Special Quest Chains

    * The Nightmare's Corruption (questID 8735) - Fixed
    * The Champion Returns (questID 8741) - Fixed

    If you find any issues there are several ways to report them
    1. Bugtracker - Just keep in mind that you may need to put "Lordaeron" in the name of the issue to avoid confusion
    2. Forum PM's - To members of the QA team
    3. This thread
    Those are some great news! If things continue the way they are, i believe we will see a great and complete realm :)

    I only hope that it goes live as fast as possible :)

  14. Also, how long will it take so these recent changes come to Deathwing and Ragnaros? Will they be implemented during the Lordareon PTR if feedback is good, or will we have to wait for Lordareon to be released before all these fixes (mostly the instance once) will come to the other Wotlk Realms?

    Keep up the good work, Lordareon is gonna be great, even if i might not find the time to play myself on it.

    Edit: Also, you said "Legendary quest chainS" so we will be able to get Valan'yr like it should be?

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