1. Tips on feral :D

    Hey everyone! :) i'm coming back to WoW after a four year break and i decided to roll the class that i mained when i played on live (a feral druid XD) basically i was wondering if anyone could help me re learn feral and help me out either in game or through some guide :) thnx in advance :D

  2. P.S: im focusing more on arena play rather than battlegrounds :)

  3. P.S: im focusing more on arena play rather than battlegrounds :)
    reroll spec

  4. why do you need to relearn? i play spriest on live since vanilla [inc. now in wod], and play all classes on warmane, and i can hop between each expac easily despite not playing others in forever and do perfectly fine. if you need a refresher, perhaps just google arena vids with ferals and watch them. only real tip i can give ya is.. play with a priest :)

  5. Feral is **** class for arenas. If you want to focus on that, re-roll other class. If you want to stay Druid, go Resto, otherwise take other. Feral is great at duels, battlegrounds, RatedBG FC'ing.
    I play feral myself, It's not hard to get 2.2k in 2s/3s, especially on Warmane where average skill cap is low, but as soon as you'll get legit opponents, you won't get "outplayed", you eventually will understand that you will get "outclassed".
    Although if you're just fine by playing for fun, capping weekly and generally for more laid-back play style, then you can keep playing feral.
    Generally I'd suggest just checking the 5.2. - 5.4. feral PvP guides on the web, they will definitely provide enough information about how to setup a feral. If you somehow end up on Frostwolf realm, Alliance side, you can whisper me - "Mayhem", I could provide with more detailed advice's on particular things.

  6. ^ the above is incorrect. in 2's at least. ferals were top contenders along with uh dk's [which also weren't that great in 3's], mages [always :P], monks [again, not too great in 3's].. on warmane however, it's always a diff. story. bugs and such make some classes op, and others.. not so much.

  7. @Nasty, which means the poster above is still correct.

    Messiah is one sick feral. Trust me. He spreads truth.

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