1. When is 3v3 active? (What time to Q?)

    Im trying to make a 3v3 team to eventually unlock my shoulders but it always seems to be dead when I q up. waited about 30 min with no q pop and then 1 of my team had to log off. Anyone know some good hours to q up for 3v3?

  2. 3v3 is a bit inactive, but try to write on local chat, as well as global chat. Just write 'que 3v3' and hope for the best.

  3. Good luck in get ques.
    Usually in the evening you get ques, but in case you win 2-3 times in a row the team will stop play against you.
    Right now the ladder is fullfilled by wintraders and players which ask to their friends to que up against them.
    Just one of those teams which ask their friends to que up and loose vs them, and only team which gets almost daily ques against teams which plays mostly of the times just against them and then stop que.
    Meanwhile even with AT staff, those guys wont be banned or punished.
    Conclusion, if you go for ranks dont bother in do it.
    If you got for the fun in 3s, better Blackrock
    Edited: September 7, 2015

  4. damn I guess it's gonna be pretty hard to get my shoulders through gameplay then.

  5. Rank1 to 6 are banned already.

    Rank 11-12-13-16-17-22 are also wintraders

    Rank 9 is currently still the only wintrader team active as he que against friends, and even leaving in prep room

  6. I don't think wintraders in 3s should be banned or shamed, when there is literally no legit way to get shoulders if you don't wintrade. Maybe you just want Molten to get donations? ;-)

  7. I don't think wintraders in 3s should be banned or shamed, when there is literally no legit way to get shoulders if you don't wintrade. Maybe you just want Molten to get donations? ;-)
    Bull****s. If there is "literally no legit way to get shoulders" then just u wont get them, wintrade is not solution. People must que vs each other and make 3s ladder more active, instead of wintrading.

  8. Bull****s. If there is "literally no legit way to get shoulders" then just u wont get them, wintrade is not solution. People must que vs each other and make 3s ladder more active, instead of wintrading.
    People dont que 3s just because there is nothing interested in it (from a Warmane pov).
    Why someone which play 3s for shoulders/gear should play 3s when the r1 teams atm,when the season is almost end isnt even 2k rate?
    Why someone should play when the teams leave in prep room? Or the ladder is fulled by wintraders?
    Why someone should play 3s with this mmr system (With an AT system people could start from higher rate and get easier rate, while TOP teams will be at way higher mmr/rate isted of stay at 2k)
    Why someone interested in get titles would play 3s when they actually can get the same title in 2s which is more active? The difference between 2s and 3s is just Seasonal Glad/Mount , and Rival isted of challenger....This isnt encouraging the players to get into the 3s, but simply making them stay more in 2s.

    Warmane doesnt even care about 3s,especially on WOTLK, thats why they arent deleting the wintrader teams for make the ladder more clear, they just keep them for look like it's "active", while its not.
    Edited: September 8, 2015

  9. 3s is not dead because of wintraders. Wintraders exist because 3s is dead and people need shoulders. 3s is dead because 3s is boring.

  10. 3s is not dead because of wintraders. Wintraders exist because 3s is dead and people need shoulders. 3s is dead because 3s is boring.
    3s actually is the most challanger e fun bracket of the PvP scene, which can be more satisfy.
    3s is way more skillwise then 2s, and can lead to a more competitive game, while 2s is about comp/counters and, in warmane, rng comps.
    But from a guy which says
    I don't think wintraders in 3s should be banned or shamed
    we cant expect much more.
    when there is literally no legit way to get shoulders if you don't wintrade.
    Considering that 12 teams out of top 20 are wintrading, and the others are 1700-2000 rate, if those teams were playng legit, the bracket would be much more active, allowing 2k rate (and shoulders) way easy.
    Or, you can keep say 3s is boring, simply for the lack of overall experience and skill which doesnt make you even close to be competitive.

    Wintraders exist because 3s is dead and people need shoulders
    Wintraders exist because they suck at the game,not even able to win a single match legit, and getting rate twith the help of their friends (or doing it alone with multiple accounts), patethic loosers ingame and, from how the act, prolly loosers irl also.

  11. Aha. So if you think 3s is fun, interesting, etc., please explain in simple terms why nobody plays it.

    "It requires skill" is not an excuse.

  12. Aha. So if you think 3s is fun, interesting, etc., please explain in simple terms why nobody plays it.

    "It requires skill" is not an excuse.
    Too hard for the majority of "Molten" players, requires more skill and ability then 2s, requires you to have communication and a solid overall experience for reach high ranks, requires you to find which setup fits beter for your class/spec and gameplay; majority of DW/Ragnaros players play 2s without even be able to pass 2k rate,even with 50% W/L ratio.
    Blizzard,AT,Warmane and all WoW Competition sposors create only 3s tournaments with cash pricez, ignoring completly 2s and 5s; for the reasons above.
    3s is more balanced, as is born and designed for be the competitive bracket, while 2s is supposed just for be the step before, for get some gear.

    Keep up a pointless discussion, it makes u look so funny.

  13. every1 wintraders for u (Swi99x), they played vs 40 ~ different teams. So how many friend they have to queue vs them?
    And wintraders here only this team: http://armory.warmane.com/team/inter...thwing/summary
    3 days in a row I come online at 03:00 (NIGHT :O) and they playing vs their friends. Same team 3 days in a row at same time. its a luck or ?
    Edited: September 8, 2015

  14. staff should fix 3s maybe more people would PvP with voice comms and alliance would actually get some serious PvPers

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