1. Some doubts about WotLK

    Hello. So far I've played only Cataclysm, I'd like try WotLK, and I would like to know some things before I start:

    1. First of all if there are any notable differences between each class in Cataclysm and WotLK, mainly about Paladin, Warrior and Shaman.

    2. Is PvP balanced? If not, Is it better or worse than Cataclysm?

    3. I've heard sometimes that Paladin and DK are OP. Paladin is my favourite class but I dislike playing OP classes / specs, I don't like DK that much, but just in case.

    4. I'm downloading the new WotLK client, but if in case I would prefer to have the old character models back, should I have to download the whole old client?
    Edited: September 9, 2015

  2. 1. I can't comment on Warrior, since I haven't played that class in any expansion past WotLK. Paladins, while vastly different in terms of throughput abilities, their utility spells remain largely the same.

    2. Opinions differ, but I find WotLK more "balanced". Not because of health and damage numbers, but because of how simplified many things became with the changes made to the game in Cataclysm.

    3. Rets, no. They usually get steamrolled by the better pvp players, especially casters. Those who complain about Rets being "OP" are usually by the less capable players. Holy paladins do pretty well, though. DKs aren't necessarily part of the strongest comps for the patch, but it is a very strong class on its own, and is viable in various arena comps.

    4. Yes.

  3. 1. I can't comment on Warrior, since I haven't played that class in any expansion past WotLK. Paladins, while vastly different in terms of throughput abilities, their utility spells remain largely the same.

    2. Opinions differ, but I find WotLK more "balanced". Not because of health and damage numbers, but because of how simplified many things became with the changes made to the game in Cataclysm.

    3. Rets, no. They usually get steamrolled by the better pvp players, especially casters. Those who complain about Rets being "OP" are usually by the less capable players. Holy paladins do pretty well, though. DKs aren't necessarily part of the strongest comps for the patch, but it is a very strong class on its own, and is viable in various arena comps.

    4. Yes.
    I agree, but i have something to add.

    1. Holy Paladin is a lot different. Best Solotarget healer in WotLK, High AoE healer Post-WotLK. Pre Cataclysm there is no Holy Power.
    Shaman is not really different. Talking about healing, all the healing system changed post-wotlk. So you just won't spam anymore chainheal.

    3. The Opness of the paladin is his Protection talent who make him "resurrect". Or, better, if hitted to the death, he will be instead healed to the 30% of his max life.

  4. PvP is way more balanced in 3.2-3.3 WotLK than in Cata. Befor these patches it was complete garbage.

  5. For your question on the models, you don't have to redownload the whole client. There are just a couple files (which I can't remember the name of at this moment) that need to be deleted or renamed. After that you will have the old models back.

  6. I think if you set your torrent client's download directory to that of your WoW (new) install location, then download the old wow torrent on top, it'll just skip the files that are identical, and just replace the ones that a different, if you understand what I mean.

  7. Hello. So far I've played only Cataclysm, I'd like try WotLK, and I would like to know some things before I start:

    1. First of all if there are any notable differences between each class in Cataclysm and WotLK, mainly about Paladin, Warrior and Shaman.

    2. Is PvP balanced? If not, Is it better or worse than Cataclysm?

    3. I've heard sometimes that Paladin and DK are OP. Paladin is my favourite class but I dislike playing OP classes / specs, I don't like DK that much, but just in case.

    4. I'm downloading the new WotLK client, but if in case I would prefer to have the old character models back, should I have to download the whole old client?
    1)Paladin is op 2buttonfacesmash yep /warrior is just straight up stupid in both pve and pvp(really strong)/shaman is op due to lavabursts and the ammount of buffs it can provide in a raid
    2)pvp is not balanced at all,DK kills every spec
    3)If you really are afraid of op classes i guess wotlk is not for you,because this is not a balanced expansion at all,its just old school and has good lore(LK)

  8. 3)If you really are afraid of op classes i guess wotlk is not for you,because this is not a balanced expansion at all,its just old school and has good lore(LK)
    Then tell me any other expansion that is more balanced than Wotlk in terms of PvP.

  9. 2)pvp is not balanced at all,DK kills every spec
    Pretty damn sure warlocks could beat death knights... And perhaps feral druid but i'm not really sure i don't remember but they were not THAT op.

  10. 2)pvp is not balanced at all,DK kills every spec
    3)If you really are afraid of op classes i guess wotlk is not for you,because this is not a balanced expansion at all,its just old school and has good lore(LK)

    2) DK is very strong, yes. But they do not kill every spec >.> Warriors **** them over to begin with.
    3) Wrath is (imo) one of the most balanced Expacs in terms of End Game. BC, Shadow Priest could solo many Double DPS comps. Cata, rogues will take 80% of your HP in their opener. Not to mention the PvE gear. MoP, er hello? Warriors? Hunters? WoD...let's not even talk about that disgrace.

    Also if you let a Shaman cast a Lava Burst, then you deserve to die to them.

    @OP Ignore this guy, he obviously has no idea how to play this game

  11. Shamans(all 3 specs are viable in pvp more then cata)

    Warrior(same as always viable specially when shadowmourne DBW is around)

    Paladin(all 3 specs viable to 100%)

    WOTLK is the greatest expansion there is which is why it had the highest sub count ever..

    Trust me u wont be dissapointed when u start here (just make sure you try out the classes on blackrock PVP server on here with PVE before u decide if u want to PVE or do pvp.. my friend did that)

  12. Hello. So far I've played only Cataclysm, I'd like try WotLK, and I would like to know some things before I start:

    2. Is PvP balanced? If not, Is it better or worse than Cataclysm?

    3. I've heard sometimes that Paladin and DK are OP. Paladin is my favourite class but I dislike playing OP classes / specs, I don't like DK that much, but just in case.
    2. imho balance is much better in wotlk. It is pretty much the last expac where every class doesnt have some crazy damage steroid.

    Also a thing that nobody mentioned, wotlk is more class diversified than cata (where pretty much only roles matter) in that, that not all melees have kick, not all healers have dispel and so on.

    3. Ret is only really good (not even OP) with Shadowmourne and DKs are really good in duels but still are pretty lack-luster in arenas. Imho casters are the best, especially in 3v3 bracket.

  13. 1)Paladin is op 2buttonfacesmash yep /warrior is just straight up stupid in both pve and pvp(really strong)/shaman is op due to lavabursts and the ammount of buffs it can provide in a raid
    2)pvp is not balanced at all,DK kills every spec
    3)If you really are afraid of op classes i guess wotlk is not for you,because this is not a balanced expansion at all,its just old school and has good lore(LK)
    1. Don't call warriors stupid if you cant play that class properly. There are a lot number of guys who play warriors in fantastic manner in bgs and as well as raids.
    2. Why i feel like you could never kill a DK in your whole wotlk career ? try it from Feral Druid or a Warlock.
    3. So characters burning their real life intellects for their in-game builds to hit 20k above DPS is just OP and characters hitting 50k DPS without any skills is not OP ?
    Let me enlighten it for MOP'ers .... you guys can solo LK in MOP, but in WOTLK ? LK can solo your whole 25 man raid. Thats what OP means.
    4. Honest opinion, new models are not proper. too many glitches in graphics. Don't download until fixed.

    P.S. No offense to anyone, but if you never played WOTLK as an actual player; don't give opinions like a lazy MOP fan.

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