1. Until then you can expect the PvE population to vanish and raids to be filled with PvPers.
    Things that most of the etilist guilds and even pugs dont get. The status of the server isnt on a great form and they expect everyone running as they are.. full "pve" achievements and so on.. it doesnt matter how many videos or guides you read because in the end if you dont have "full pve" or achievement you wont get invited reminds me alot of wotlk realms just in the case here you actually have gear.. you can have all knowledge of the fights but I got several experience on wotlk where I didnt get an invite because low "gs" back then so how you can get the achievements if you can't even join the raid? lol you gotta start somewhere dont you?

    Even after the launch of lordaeron I feel the pve population will decrease even more.. this should be a fair warning for the etilist guilds on recruit section and in game as well, they will have to start to adapt or just dont complain at all, lower requieriments and expect less or raid with your 10-25 core raid in your own guild..

  2. Most of the pvp gear is better then the ToT one. You can raid fine with it. I started doing pve with full griv and had 0 problems. The only person who is full pve is one that hates doing bgs and arenas for gearing.

  3. Most of the pvp gear is better then the ToT one. You can raid fine with it. I started doing pve with full griv and had 0 problems. The only person who is full pve is one that hates doing bgs and arenas for gearing.
    Or are in full PVE gear instead :D

  4. Most of the pvp gear is better then the ToT one. You can raid fine with it. I started doing pve with full griv and had 0 problems. The only person who is full pve is one that hates doing bgs and arenas for gearing.
    You clearly don't have any brain cells to think that pvp gear > pve gear for pve. 522 pvp gear totally is the same as 530 pve gear not to mention the gem slots arn't pvp power oh and the set bonus oh and trinkets that give 8k intel, agy totally worse than those 5k ones from grevious that have internal cooldowns.

    Many better, such wow

  5. You clearly don't have any brain cells to think that pvp gear > pve gear for pve. 522 pvp gear totally is the same as 530 pve gear not to mention the gem slots arn't pvp power oh and the set bonus oh and trinkets that give 8k intel, agy totally worse than those 5k ones from grevious that have internal cooldowns.

    Many better, such wow
    Hmm, so for example I have grivious legs which are haste mastery, and thats are stats that Im looking for as afflock, and hmm, guess what Legs in ToT are Haste Crit, Hit crit, you know, crit is our last stat and we should avoid that. Yes, I probably don't have brain cells. I didn't mention trinkets, ToT ones are far better then pvp, but pvp trinkets are much easier to get until you get desired ones. Socket bonuses, PvP power, surely sucks, but most socket bonuses are not worth so I don't wanna bother with that.
    Edited: September 13, 2015

  6. 530 ilvl is still better even with crit.
    Also, the very first boss of ToT drops hit-mastery legs.
    You indeed lack some of those.

  7. Nah, trust me. Im hit capped so I don't need extra hit. And yes, I cannot reforge elsewehere hit to mastery or haste.
    I hope we get ToT HC soon.

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