1. wotlk needs more attention than mop? you're trolling right?
    Yeah wotlk do need more attention that's why you see the Lord realm as well as many many quest fixes and overall fixes.... It's no way near 99% wotlk but hopefully it will be really well scripted :)

  2. What annoys me the most is that Warmane MOP class balance is horrible at the moment.
    Rogues that kill plate wearers in seconds, monks that can't be killed by 5 people, 300+k shadowburns without special buffs/debuffs, PvE gear not being toned down in BGs, just to name a few. It's a sad joke and annoying.

    So let's fix pet battles.

  3. You are partly right. Mop = Pet Battles, Challenge Mode, Group loot, Scenarios.

    Well, at least we have group loot (which is very good), someday frostwolf will be MoP.
    you are partially right as well, you forgot about farmville aka the tillers farm

    oh well, let just hope for pet battles


  4. The neverending flow of lowbees in bg, simple stuff that is bugged!

  5. What makes me sad is when i go around checking other servers and actually find very good scripted cataclysm servers, molten (warmane) has been up for so long and yet its by far the top 1 bugged server out there. there are many perfect private examples from which warmane can take a note from.
    for me, warmane is on the brink of destruction purely because there are better servers, far far better scripted more work into it. daily updates. im pretty sure if warmane keeps this kind of bugs around you will find an meltdown within a year, Please warmane take a note at some other servers. they are scripted as hell. the fact that i enjoyed leveling an undead warlock PURELY because of the scripted and good working quests.

    Warmane has a lot to change before other servers will top. and this will happen there is a merge incoming an very very good one.
    just saying warmane, you got some hard competition to deal with anywere near soon.

    the fact that you'd had to pay dodgeykebaab to do a review on the new lordearon is sad, and he's pretty much talking the truth about molten. its stated as one of the worst around. YET the population is one of the biggest. but as soon as people start to know the other server. it will meltdown im afraid.

    Warmane you have A LOT of hard compition to deal with im not spreading any names around here because i understand im on this forum, with your rules. which is obvious.
    all im saying is, it can be better. a lot better.
    Although im very very excited about lordearon can't wait to step into it and see what is has become!

  6. Cataclysm will have its attention, same thing with Mists of Pandaria realms. The expectations towards Lordaeron are so high that we are giving major attention to it now. Also, as mentioned many times, the fixes from Lordaeron will (in time) work for all the other realms, meaning that Cata will have its time of excellence. We can only ask for more patience. We are not in the brink of destruction. You're just being pessimistic. Now avoid the offtopic in this thread, please.

  7. Vengeance. The stigma that has surrounded the prot pally. The fact that a great tank of this expansion, the mighty Protection Paladin will struggle to get an invite to a RDF Hc run, despite being capable. Many people love the Paladin in WoW, but this one spec has been disregarded by population due to a 1 and a half year old bug. Feeling like the prot warrior in WotLK.

  8. Cataclysm will have its attention, same thing with Mists of Pandaria realms. The expectations towards Lordaeron are so high that we are giving major attention to it now. Also, as mentioned many times, the fixes from Lordaeron will (in time) work for all the other realms, meaning that Cata will have its time of excellence. We can only ask for more patience. We are not in the brink of destruction. You're just being pessimistic. Now avoid the offtopic in this thread, please.
    Will Cataclysm & MoP get the same type of attention as Lordaeron is getting right now?

  9. Will Cataclysm & MoP get the same type of attention as Lordaeron is getting right now?
    Probably but not faster than in 2016 and it will be cata and then mop, so untill some love for mop we will have to wait like soon ™

  10. People vigorously defending bugs, from positive class bugs to members of staff sugarcoating their own **** ups
    This ^
    Every little fotm scrub that rolled a war hunter or lock and they are like EHMERGERD I've been playing this class since TBC *cough cough*
    Idk why does staff ignore the bugs we've been telling em they are bugged since the server was remade...

  11. The latency for oceanic players like come on 400ms average how are we suppose to pvp

  12. a 430k rogue stunts & brings down a 360k warr to his 1/4 hp, suddenly the warr heals himself up (without the victory rush) and rape the rogue to death :D i know thts pretty normal on MoP which is absolutely ridiculous lel
    lol that would never happen, a 430k rogue instant kills a 360k warrior

  13. The latency for oceanic players like come on 400ms average how are we suppose to pvp
    There's a secret to reduce your MS, to 100% pvp playable letancy. If you have 400ms, it would be down to 170-200ms. If you wan't that secret, pay me 10 coins.

    BTW. I am not kidding.

  14. There's a secret to reduce your MS, to 100% pvp playable letancy. If you have 400ms, it would be down to 170-200ms. If you wan't that secret, pay me 10 coins.

    BTW. I am not kidding.
    wat .

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