1. Here take my soap! :DDDD
    And what would happen if you happen to drop the soap >:)

  2. few notes..

    1: i dislike the guide, but like the effort and attempt :)
    2: half you people posting hateful comments need to be banned from forums <3
    3: i too typically start in defensive stance. i play with my gf [resto druid]. a few examples about stances that hopefully people can translate across classes. i typically never berserker rage a fear unless they're casting chaos bolt or bursting my partner. [in her case, auto attack = bursting haha.. ily]. if there's a rogue, i'm defensive stance until post-shadow blades or during any re-stealth unless it's during shadow blades and it's on my partner. i intervene/heroic leap out of bladestorms, not use parry spell. i rarely use bladestorm myself except vs. certain comps. you need a stance change macro or some way to change stances reliably. i personally just use /cast [stance:1] defensive stance;battle stance. gladiusex is better then gladius. if you use quartz, don't forget to turn focus casting bars back on. i prefer to have charge on a cancel bladestorm macro. /cancelaura bladestorm /cast [nomod] charge;[nomod] hamstring;[@focus]charge;[@focus]hamstring will work. not sure what i made personally but that's about it except for a few extra things. i don't recommend cast sequence macros personally, but to each their own. i think it worsens gameplay though. i like platebuffs myself. you can increase the size of individual debuffs like cc's/cs/etc. perhaps you can do this on tidyplates too, i haven't delved much into it tbh.

    hopefully i didn't write anything incorrectly its 5:30am and i'm zombified. if i messed something up i'm sure someone will correct me, ppl love doing that :D

  3. And what would happen if you happen to drop the soap >:)
    You get chocolate :D I did not refer to the prison joke ;) I just thought it was funny to point out :)

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