1. So another week is almost done and by this time we killed 4 LoDs and 4RS25hcs this week so far!

    I'm sorry but we gonna keep it this way, you can take last week's 5 LoDs/5RS25hcs/8 Banes as a "demonstration of power" or trying to set a record as we are not gonna make any 5th runs from now on at LK25hc and Halion25hc.

    I'd like to point out that it's not that we can't (last week's both 5th runs were both surprisingly very fast runs) but it tired us out a lot to do those runs, so we're not gonna even try them again so we have more time to get in some normal runs to feed our alts.

    5th Icc25hc will technically still be a thing, it's gonna kill sindy and won't even step on The Frozen Throne, it will be an exclusively "Newcomers or people who didn't get chance to raid this week" kind of raid. Some weeks we might do a 6th Icc25hc too, probablly a bql run, for our way too low alts!

    And that's the guild's state atm if anyone is wondering! Always recruiting! Apply at royal-bloodline.shivtr.com!


  2. I'm really proud to be part of Royal Bloodline.
    Thank you Officers and Gm also members.
    It's fun to raid with you guys
    Arealus, Dodgemyaxe

  3. Second Shadowmourne!!!!!!
    100th LoD!!!!!
    GRATS INVMEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. 2nd Smourne drop on our 100th LoD shortly after the first one? Amg I almost feel like this must've been set up by a GM xD.

  5. Kill #100 done and we got a 2nd Shadowmourne drop and won by our GM even! Gz everyone! I Guess no need to post my SS as Stew already did! Amazing work! Let's make them 1000!

  6. Congratz on the shiny axe, waiting for a third one soon :P

  7. Gz Pawel! glad you got it too now :D

  8. Gratz on the SMs and the nice milestone guys.

  9. Big grats to Pawel, you deserve it, after all you have done for the guild and the guildies. Grats grats grats! I'm very happy for you!

    edit: who was bidding against him? kiddo?

  10. Big grats to Pawel, you deserve it, after all you have done for the guild and the guildies. Grats grats grats! I'm very happy for you!

    edit: who was bidding against him? kiddo?
    Yes kiddo was. And I thought Oathbinder was his bis.

  11. Gratz on the SMs and the nice milestone guys.
    Thanks :D.

    For all we know another one is really near now, too. Too bad no one's taken the trouble to count our RS's.

  12. Yes kiddo was. And I thought Oathbinder was his bis.
    I would give it to Pawel anyway so he can stop QQing x)
    Edited: September 22, 2015

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