1. Custom Content

    There's a couple threads about this bandying around - Normally I wouldn't pay them any mind, but they're getting attention from (or being posted by) the Head of QA.
    Will Lordaeron be running any custom content? Modified raid bosses being the most notable examples. It seems to me that, if they are, that would go against the overall spirit of the realm, what with being 1x blizzlike etc. I think it'd be far more important to get everything 100% authentic before setting out to improve it.
    Edited: September 21, 2015

  2. I've seen it tossed around a lot. Both sides saying they want this and they want that. I believe things will stay closer to "blizzlike" then anything. People tote that some Naxx mechanics from Vanilla Naxx was cut for wotlk and its true but there was a reason it was cut. I'm also a pretty firm believer that Naxx isn't exactly the selling point of a wotlk realm so pushing towards Ulduar and beyond would benefit the server both at the time and for its longevity.

    Don't quote me, just what I've picked up from the forums the past few days.

  3. Some things, such as Naxxramas raid, maybe will be temporarily adapted to better fit the realm's progressive standards. They will still be somewhat 'Blizzlike' as the realm technically won't be at 3.3.5a content patch.
    If you wish to play a full blizzlike 3.3.5a patch realm, wait until all content has been released. This progressive design feature will happen so that players may partially experience different patches, and allow them to experience a quality realm sooner.

  4. Some things, such as Naxxramas raid, maybe will be temporarily adapted to better fit the realm's progressive standards. They will still be somewhat 'Blizzlike' as the realm technically won't be at 3.3.5a content patch.
    If you wish to play a full blizzlike 3.3.5a patch realm, wait until all content has been released. This progressive design feature will happen so that players may partially experience different patches, and allow them to experience a quality realm sooner.
    Except we're only experiencing one patch. 3.3.5.

  5. I think they were more meaning to state that because we are in patch 3.3.5a, the encounters will be tuned to be harder than they otherwise would to emulate the difficulty of each tier's respective retail patch. Otherwise, the early content would be quite the joke. After some time, I think perhaps it would return to "normal" difficulty to fall in line, once more, with true patch 3.3.5a encounter difficulty levels. Until then, they are aiming to provide challenging content, and not something you can faceroll simply because class mechanics exist in a place they weren't at.

  6. Yes they said during progressive part of the realm naxx will be hard but will be tuned to normal once progression moves to Ulduar and forward.

  7. Yes they said during progressive part of the realm naxx will be hard but will be tuned to normal once progression moves to Ulduar and forward.
    Although I heard (not related to custom content) that Ulduar will be scripted as it was in retail so that's when it's released right? Just wanna be sure cause pre nerf Ulduar is a real challenge to have fun with :)

  8. Well they will nerf it in time the content is supposed to be challenging not cleared in 2-3 days so yea should be fully scripted and pre nerfed.

  9. They may (or may not) buff bosses in Naxx (increase their hp and damage) or deliver Ulduar and ICC in a pre-nerf state, that is all, the abilities of the bosses and their tactics will remain the same so there is really no problem, they only would do that because for example Naxx would be the first available tier, and it was just too easy, to the point in retail people with only level 70 gear was able to clear it, and that will be one of the only raids Lordaeron will have for some months, that is why they may buff the bosses to make it more challenging.

    Besides it's imposible to be 100% Blizzlike, for example the Crusaders' Coliseum didn't exist until patch 3.1 and was only completed in patch 3.2, yet it will be in Northrend completed from the beginning because we use a 3.3.5 client, TOC will remain closed until release. Not to mention many classes talents and abilities were changed from 3.0 to 3.3.5, and we will only have 3.3.5 talents and abilities.
    Edited: September 21, 2015

  10. They may (or may not) buff bosses in Naxx (increase their hp and damage) or deliver Ulduar and ICC in a pre-nerf state, that is all, the abilities of the bosses and their tactics will remain the same so there is really no problem, they only would do that because for example Naxx would be the first available tier, and it was just too easy, to the point in retail people with only level 70 gear was able to clear it, and that will be one of the only raids Lordaeron will have for some months, that is why they may buff the bosses to make it more challenging.

    Besides it's imposible to be 100% Blizzlike, for example the Crusaders' Coliseum didn't exist until patch 3.1 and was only completed in patch 3.2, yet it will be in Northrend completed from the beginning because we use a 3.3.5 client, TOC will remain closed until release. Not to mention many classes talents and abilities were changed from 3.0 to 3.3.5, and we will only have 3.3.5 talents and abilities.
    Some can just be done fine if they remove the vendors and close the raid.. Still it's possible.. I heard that Malaco that said their scripting as they were released so Ulduar will be as it was when it was launched, same for TOC and ICC with the perhaps suggestion of buffing Naxx.. So nothing is really impossible if you do it properly.

  11. I'm unsure how Warmane's phasing is, but the tournament grounds are a phased area which could be turned on/off at will. The grounds can simply not be visible/accessible to players until after Ulduar is released, and then the completed state once ToC is released. I've seen this done on other servers.

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