1. Damn no f******g communications and answers to us... Nothing on your facebook page about the Point system for Cataclysm... Your facebook page is dedicated to Lordaeron ?

  2. Killed transmogrification? Because now you can't just rely on the point shop for it all, making it something to complement what you get in-game?
    That was the whole point: making the store something people keep in the back of their minds to fill gaps in equipment, not to be something you just click once per day for a few days and skip doing content.

    Yes, Mists of Pandaria is lacking content, but it's being worked on, Spark made a post about what is being done a couple days ago even.
    You can't get 98,6% of transmog items ingame. There is nothing to complement. There is something to IMPLEMENT instead.

    I honestly don't give a **** about the point shop. I would have been satisfied by just being able to solo old instances and hoping for the transmog item to drop from the boss, but I can't because every old instance is closed, with the exception of 1-2 dungeons noone gives a **** about, since they drop ugly things noone wants.

    Also, let's be real: the most cool looking skins belong to vanilla and TBC, but all the old raids are closed. It is impossible to get t1 - t6 sets because all TBC raids are closed, and the only one open (battle for mount hyjal), is bugged because bosses have 13x the hp they should have and one of them 1shots the entire raid. Let's not talk about classic raids either.

    Back then, the only way to get those skins was with point shop, but it was doable. 40 pts per piece, and with 200 pts you could get a cool looking set. Now you need more than a month to get ONE single piece, rofl.

    Do you understand that noone ever used the point shop to get useful gear but rather for the skins? Why would I care to get an OP TBC item, when I'm going to level up to 71 within 14min and replace it with a WOTLK green? Back then the point shop was fine because it was just to get fun things. If you wanted decent gear, you either donated or got it ingame, since endgame gear is usually obtainable in every patch.

    Once again, you can do whatever you want with the point shop, I don't really care about it. But if you are going to make it difficult to get those items with the point shop, then at least give us a chance to get them ingame. What you did was closing both doors, by locking all instances and overpricing everything.

    You go blabbing about "rewarding players who do old content", but what old content lol, you locked up everything, there is no old content for me to do. Only those 3-4 **** instances noone cares about and I get no decent skins from them either (because let's be real, the only reason people would run old dungeons is to get some old skin, since they are going to 2shot whole instance anyways).

    Also, please do not dismiss transmog as something trivial. Some mmo are entirely based off cosmetics and wow is making it a solid point as well. Afterall, you may want to be strong but noone wants to look like a clown.

    I hope you listen for ONCE to our words. The release of the new point shop was a disappointment, but the most disappointing thing was that you didn't give us another option. At the moment, MOP/CATA point shop is as good as closed.

  3. ..............................................
    Killed transmogrification? Because now you can't just rely on the point shop for it all, making it something to complement what you get in-game?
    That was the whole point: making the store something people keep in the back of their minds to fill gaps in equipment, not to be something you just click once per day for a few days and skip doing content.

    Yes, Mists of Pandaria is lacking content, but it's being worked on, Spark made a post about what is being done a couple days ago even.
    Any chance that now you won't conveniently not read what you quote to the end like others?
    Am I going to need to draw pictures, maybe we hire someone to make an animation?

    PS: The fact that addresses Mists of Pandaria and not Cataclysm isn't meant to give fuel to the "no one cares about Cataclysm" bandwagon, but to quiet down the "they only care about Lordaeron" one. Unfortunately, everyone will want to dictate what should be fixed, not only expansion-wise, but class-wise, specialization-wise, even quest-wise, but we can't do everything everyone wants at once - and no matter which we pick, everyone that wanted something different will complain. Even on the non-Lordaeron Wrath of the Lich King servers people complain that we should finish it before worrying about the other two expansions.

    Things take time and there's so much we can do at once. Plus a long-term game plan can mean working on certain fronts before others, but that's still better than going beheaded chicken and randomly fixing whatever people complain about the most at the moment, without a path to follow with a goal in the end.

  4. Any chance that now you won't conveniently not read what you quote to the end like others?
    Am I going to need to draw pictures, maybe we hire someone to make an animation?

    PS: The fact that addresses Mists of Pandaria and not Cataclysm isn't meant to give fuel to the "no one cares about Cataclysm" bandwagon, but to quiet down the "they only care about Lordaeron" one. Unfortunately, everyone will want to dictate what should be fixed, not only expansion-wise, but class-wise, specialization-wise, even quest-wise, but we can't do everything everyone wants at once - and no matter which we pick, everyone that wanted something different will complain. Even on the non-Lordaeron Wrath of the Lich King servers people complain that we should finish it before worrying about the other two expansions.

    Things take time and there's so much we can do at once. Plus a long-term game plan can mean working on certain fronts before others, but that's still better than going beheaded chicken and randomly fixing whatever people complain about the most at the moment, without a path to follow with a goal in the end.
    What about Cataclysm ? Cant you make a clear post about 4.3.4 content ? Guys you need a better communication with us, we know nothing about whats going on with points... Or we have to read pages and pages , in hope to read a moderator post...

  5. Guys you need a better communication with us, we know nothing about whats going on with points... Or we have to read pages and pages , in hope to read a moderator post...
    This guy actually has a point. The title "community manager" comes into mind right about now, and whoever he is, I've never seen him. I would say he needs to manage more. the community.

  6. This guy actually has a point. The title "community manager" comes into mind right about now, and whoever he is, I've never seen him. I would say he needs to manage more. the community.
    Exactly. We are used to wait, we know its a free server, and yes we can eb impatient some times.... but please, just PLEASE talk to us sometimes. Tell us something like : 'Guys, **** it, we can't fix this **** now, but in a week we will post some info.' Or 'In exactly one moneth it will be fixed.' We know things takes time, but just let us know what is going on more often, and we're good. Cheers! :)

  7. This guy actually has a point. The title "community manager" comes into mind right about now, and whoever he is, I've never seen him. I would say he needs to manage more. the community.
    It has a lot to do with how much info we can provide at a certain time, some things we don't know ourselves either. Especially when it comes to these web features which were implemented immediately when they were created by the webmaster and approved by Kaer, nobody else sans Kaer had access to that information and the webmaster.

    Also, we can only provide information on a basis where we're certain something is happening. A lot of things are always discussed, even now, that might never come out or happen on the realms and we only announce and provide information for things we're certain of. For the lack of communication, we have already addressed this here.

    Basically, we are providing information on a daily basis. All community managers are online at least 2 times on realms daily and actively interact with the community however to many it seems like a drop in the ocean and for that there's our website and our announcements/devlog where we always try to be as detailed as possible. Before saying so, please read all of our outlets of information and don't rely on only one such as the Facebook page. We always try to elaborate and show as much as information as we can.
    Edited: October 8, 2015

  8. Love the new look warmane TY for it
    as opposed to the some who vow to leave cuz of it, i refuse to leave

  9. I know you guys are busy and no one is saying you are not working hard but what makes the community at large crazy is the order in which you do things. You wanted to start Lordaeron and make it a blizzlike perfect as possible experience, well i am all for that and i know it takes time and alot of work, so why did you start the revamp of the marketplace at the same time??? Lordaeron doesn't even have a marketplace, why didnt you finish with Lordaeron and then script the old dungeons and raids to Wrath and the other expansions and THEN do whatever you want with the marketplace??? This way everything possible is open for everyone in-game and we cannot come here and complain that we cant get items anywhere now!! What you did was cut off for i dont know how long our only way to get most items. If you do not want low lvl items in the point shop i will gladly support that if i can farm them. And yes i know that at some point in the future you will have all the content from Lordaeron sent to all the expansions but your words hold little value when all we do is wait, exactly how long we never know. Cata has been waiting you need to understand for a long time, we have been waiting for class fixes and bugs everywhere and pets that do not work right and rdf that is bugged and content that isn't scripted and and and ...........
    And i know MOP is even worse so please try and understand our impatience and anger when one of the things that worked right which was the point shop and transmog and now its been taken away with once again the promise of some distant future of getting items in-game. And to be honest the fact that now its an end game item point shop instead of what your community has been used to for years, a place where we get low level items, mounts and companions.

  10. The thing is. we dont need a point shop for gearing up in MoP. It is easy to gear in this expansion. what we really want is a marketplace for fun items. It was almost perfect at it is used to be.

  11. A new formula was written for each increment in item level, as well as calculation based on slot or type of item (1 hand vs 2 hand as an example) to go with the new point squish and activity rank, old prices / 10 were not even remotely correct for this rework.

    We start at itemlevel 200 now, not itemlevel 20.
    So instead of cluing the community in we had nothing but out of date misinformation from you guys to go on. Thought your Staff to User communication was supposed to improve after the now conveniently buried moltdown incident.

    Your "Activity" ranking system frankly sucks. Most players on Molten are not achievement whores who go out to earn every single achievement the game has to offer. You also dont seem to have taken into consideration that a good deal of the retail obtainable achievements are either intentionally disabled (Cause killing a boss gives you too much gold so you just put the head in the shop as one example) or unobtainable due to gaps in scripting and code.

    I miss the Molten I played on when I first signed up and first fell in love with. Where you had cross faction talk for donors (The only reason i initially donated). That Molten however was replaced with the version we have now. A sad comparison where long term and active members are punished because they didnt achievement whore like others and where the stated calculations are changed and forced upon everyone with a weak excuse for an answer as to why.

  12. MemorieZ's Avatar
    Good bye, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
    totally agree <3

  13. You guys know u killed all normal raiding? ther is no need to raid normal icc or any other instance beisde rs hc and icc hc now everything u need u can buy ...

    hope this wil get changed to what it was at the beggining i 2010 with max 232 items.
    Amen, 271 is far too high for gear you don't need to raid for.
    Though then again, I don't care cause I'll just be pvping and no wrathful gear will be available :)
    Happy days.

  14. When will you add more stuff to point shop, some of us dont need any armor weapons. I got many points and nothing to spend them on, and aproximate date will be sufficient.

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