1. What about draining only the gold that u earn from auctions?

    One of the problems with the inflation is that it makes daily quests worthless because the gold reward from quests is static and doesnt increase with the inflation.

  2. these are my suggestions:

    1)Gold drain: 25-30% cause 50% is too hight
    for example: One player have 1000 gold , the mechanics will drain 500 gold.

    Secondary Effect: All Player will spend their gold the day before drain (Auction House, lottery,etc)
    for reduce the impact of it.

    Problem: The players who had sold their mats/item/etc will not earn their gold from mail (Before the drain).

    2)Raise the Auction insertion's cost of High Level Item.
    (For example: BoE/High Level Profession's Item and more)

    3)Portal for other city could be cost some gold (for example: 1g)

    4)Raise gryphon's cost for >=60 players
    Edited: October 19, 2015

  3. Can't agree with 1 because people will always find a way to avoid as much of the drain as possible.
    2. Absolutely not. With the population of the server and X1 rates, any higher and the profit margin would make it better to vendor an item.
    3. That's for funservers, no thanks.
    4. This one isn't too bad but just a minor effect. Suppose a bunch of small effects would eventually make a difference in the longrun.

  4. Can't agree with 1 because people will always find a way to avoid as much of the drain as possible.
    Yeah , that's the problem.

  5. As somebody mentioned before it doesnt make sense to have a fixed day for the gold drain because ppl gonna find ways to abuse it. Having a small but continious gold drain like once per day would be more effective.

  6. Lottery and reputation/badge vendors won't make a proper difference as a real drain mechanic, it will be a heat sink at best. Look at the basics: every item being vendor is like printing money. We take items generated from nowhere, vendor it and inject it into the economy at a pace far greater than repair costs, dual spec and mount skill will ever account for. There is no way in hell a lottery, transmog or pet-vendor will manage to offset the enormous influx of printed gold. The losers are new players trying to skill up blacksmithing and seeing that 20 copper bars sell for 35g a stack etc.

    Now, the inflation need to be monitored and benchmarked - and the flat %-cut of all ingame gold need to be adjusted regularly in order to reach certain thresholds for key items in the economy, such as cloth, gems, herbs, ores and flasks. If the decay is 5% per month or 10% per quarter entirely depends on what the staff decides to be benchmark values for items in the economy. This is normal monetary policy in a closed economy.

  7. That's actually not a bad idea!
    I wouldn't make it 0.3% though, as something like this needs to be a constant thing in the background and having 0.3% will be draining people's gold quite quickly.

    My suggestions for this would be:

    0.15% if you have up to 500g,
    0.03% if you have up to 1k.
    Anything over 1k 0.01%

    Quite a good idea though, I like it.

    A constant drain of gold that isn't too noticeable.
    My number of 0.3% drain is based on the previous proposals of -50% drain every 6 months, and with 0.3% per day in 6 months if we take for example 200 000 gold account that is left untouched for 6 months it will be squished to 116455 gold which is close to 50% and it is not too much neither too little in my opinion

    But you are talking like a real world rich guy who wants less taxes for the rich and more for the poor (which is unfair and illogical to say the least) this is all i am going to say for your numbers...
    Edited: October 19, 2015

  8. But you are talking like a real world rich guy who wants less taxes for the rich and more for the poor (which is unfair and illogical to say the least) this is all i am going to say for your numbers...
    Consider this: After 2 months of Northrend, a flask for raiding costs 50G, which is, say, equivalent to 30 minutes of dailies or just farming. So in this case, 1 hour of farming gold lets you raid 2 hours on average. Let's also assume that the staff considers this to be a healthy benchmark value.

    After 6 months with an untouched, self-adjusting market, flasks are up to 100G, so now you need to farm 2 hours in order to raid 2 hours. In a very flat example, the cost of raiding consumables translates directly into the amount of time the non-gathering-player need to spend outside the raid in order to be inside it. In a market like this, the only way to keep up with the inflation is to get an alt with double gathering professions and compete for the depleted resources (herbs, ores) in Northrend, or sell everything on AH, all the time.

    Not battling the ingame inflation means that using the AH correctly becomes increasingly important to the point that it is an absolute necessity in order to cover the recurring costs of playing. There has to be a per centage decay, but by how much and/or how often depends on the price level.

    Oh, and it's impossible to "hit the rich" harder than the poor etc. The AH-players will only spread the gold around to different characters and accounts if tax-corridors are implemented like on income tax in the real world.
    Edited: October 19, 2015 Reason: Additional.

  9. Lottery. Expected to be a website-based lottery that would require purchasing tickets with in-game gold for a chance to win a unique cosmetic not obtainable in-game and marketplace.

    Gold Drain. Static (i.e. 50%) gold drain from the realm in future with an announcement at least 6 months beforehand.

    Having seen Lordaeron chat "trading 1,000 gold from Deathwing for 1 gold on Lordaeron" we intend to make sure such inflation does not happen on Lordaeron in future. Additionally Lordaeron also has an extensive logging mechanism to help us identify and track abusive measures that could potentially inject gold into the economy. Gold will not be available on marketplace either to avoid injecting any external currency into the economy.
    Dear Kaer,

    As a serious gold maker (who made 150k~400k of gold per week as net profit in retail Wotlk and spend 100% of time on the AH and professions) and I not going to sound like a rooster but its very true in my view as below
    - You can not stop player like me to become rich. Every one poor we get rich, every one rich we get richer. After we pass 500k~ gold net profit we can partially control the market (i mean the AH). You reduce the gold we calculate the price after reduction and start stocking what ever item which will not lose its value in the future.
    - If you do reduce 50% gold we will be happier because very few of player can calculate and estimate the market in the future, by that mean you are making us more advantage in AH game.
    - The final goal of every serious gold maker is NOT making billions of gold but to dominate the AH, drive up/down the market and give normal players into very very disadvantage position and start making gold from it. Its sound like an evil Jew banker but it is true like our real world. Rich man wants power not money.

    You can not stop 100% evil gold makers from making gold and control the market but you can annoy them together with reduce the inflation by:
    - Make many gold sinks
    - Gold reduction more frequently but not very stressful to normal player, please think about reduce 5% every month i/o 50% every six month.
    Make people feel familiar with the gold reduction is the key point.
    - Please DO NOT increase the AH tax/deposit, it will make gold maker happier because of normal players who usually feel risky when they put an high value added items or BOE epics on AH, thus more advantage to gold makers who can hedge risk wisely.
    - Please THINK about cross faction AH and REDUCE AH TAX/DEPOSIT to make the AH more competitive this will be the big shot the the glyphs and gems market, let the JCers and INCSers fighting every second on the AH with their addons.
    - Please run in game messages every time player log-in for example : you can put items on the AH for profit, please use AH addons to stay competitive ....

    Hope it helps to you, sorry for my bad English :).
    Edited: October 19, 2015

  10. Dear Kaer,

    As a serious gold maker (who made 150k~400k of gold per week as net profit in retail Wotlk and spend 100% of time on the AH and professions) and I not going to sound like a rooster but its very true in my view as below
    - You can not stop player like me to become rich. Every one poor we get rich, every one rich we get richer. After we pass 500k~ gold net profit we can partially control the market (i mean the AH). You reduce the gold we calculate the price after reduction and start stocking what ever item which will not lose its value in the future.
    - If you do reduce 50% gold we will be happier because very few of player can calculate and estimate the market in the future, by that mean you are making us more advantage in AH game.
    - The final goal of every serious gold maker is NOT making billions of gold but to dominate the AH, drive up/down the market and give normal players into very very disadvantage position and start making gold from it. Its sound like an evil Jew banker but it is true like our real world. Rich man wants power not money.

    You can not stop 100% evil gold makers from making gold and control the market but you can annoy them together with reduce the inflation by:
    - Make many gold sinks
    - Gold reduction more frequently but not very stressful to normal player, please think about reduce 5% every month i/o 50% every six month.
    Make people feel familiar with the gold reduction is the key point.
    - Please DO NOT increase the AH tax/deposit, it will make gold maker happier because of normal players who usually feel risky when they put an high value added items or BOE epics on AH, thus more advantage to gold makers who can hedge risk wisely.
    - Please THINK about cross faction AH and REDUCE AH TAX/DEPOSIT to make the AH more competitive this will be the big shot the the glyphs and gems market, let the JCers and INCSers fighting every second on the AH with their addons.
    - Please run in game messages every time player log-in for example : you can put items on the AH for profit, please use AH addons to stay competitive ....

    Hope it helps to you, sorry for my bad English :).
    About this. I`ve done the same in the past, more or less as well. It has happened, and will happen once again. Nothing can stop that.

    Actually, a gold cut will actually hit the poor people way more than the rich, which usually also have more means to mitigate/avoid things like that.
    I`d try to combat inflation with attractive gold sinks, not with periodic gold cuts.

  11. I do no get why do we even need gold drain?
    There is no gold for coin option, so no outside gold will be drained into Lordaeron.
    If someone is selling Deathwing or other realm gold for Lordaeron gold, it actually doesnt matter at all because in order to get gold in Lordaeron realm the seller still have to farm gold on Lordaeron.

    If you are concerned about situation like this:
    After painful decade Lord player finally farmed 20 000g to buy rarest trousers in the game he desired but decided that this gold is no use for him anymore because you can not even see trousers in Bear Form. Farming whole decade broke his life, he decided to move on Deathwing because leveling his alt will be faster. He sold his 20 000g to Goblin from Deathing realm at 1:10 rate so he can buy trousers for his new Paladin on Deathwing realm.

    Goblin is greedy and bought all glyphs, enchants, herbs and trousers. Horde is more sad than usual. Now Goblin is selling these goods for 10 times higher prices. Horde hammers Goblin to Mercy, but Blizzard police arrives and releases Goblin cuz playin via AH is how weee design.

    Poor Druid, the gold farmer could do the same thing as Goblin. The transaction I see is - I work hard @Lord, you work hard @Death, lets exchange our hard work because we both want to switch reams. How can this affect @Lord? Gold earned from Lord doesnt disappear or gold from Death doesnt fall from the skies, it is just like you trade 2g to random buddy in Stormwind Sewers.
    Edited: October 19, 2015

  12. You can not stop 100% evil gold makers from making gold and control the market but you can annoy them together with reduce the inflation by:
    - Make many gold sinks
    - Gold reduction more frequently but not very stressful to normal player, please think about reduce 5% every month i/o 50% every six month.
    Make people feel familiar with the gold reduction is the key point.
    - Please DO NOT increase the AH tax/deposit, it will make gold maker happier because of normal players who usually feel risky when they put an high value added items or BOE epics on AH, thus more advantage to gold makers who can hedge risk wisely.
    - Please THINK about cross faction AH and REDUCE AH TAX/DEPOSIT to make the AH more competitive this will be the big shot the the glyphs and gems market, let the JCers and INCSers fighting every second on the AH with their addons.
    - Please run in game messages every time player log-in for example : you can put items on the AH for profit, please use AH addons to stay competitive ....

    Hope it helps to you, sorry for my bad English :).
    You completely disregard that heavy taxation makes the AH cheaper relative to the income of vendor-trash and gold from dailies. In relative terms, no one is better or worse off with a flat %-decay of gold, except for the fact that sources of income outside of the AH/trading will be more competitive sources of farming.

  13. Guys guys you are funny, don't say nothing can stop you from getting rich by AH, because nothing is impossible and i can stop you very easily (maybe not so easy from programmer's perspective) if i was warmane and wanted to, i will just make any gold earned by AH or traded between characters disappear after 24 hours with a rate of 0.003% per second so i haven't calculated it but i guess any 100 gold earned by TRADING if unused will be turned into less than 10 silver by the end of the day (and the gold earned from items previously bought with gold and resold to NPC will be under the same effect) and just in case because now you will not be able to distribute your gold between ALTs i will place an increasing gold drain percentage so the more gold you have the more it is decreased and so much with your unstoppable ambitions...

    But stopping you is not the point, see this is game well in real world is the same but AH is part of the game and many people like playing for making gold so a happy medium has to be made between those that earn a lot and the others that aren't interested in it
    Edited: October 20, 2015

  14. ok, just had some crazy idea...

    but first of all please tell me - is it tehnically possible to either:
    - drain gold from in-box mails
    - force taking in-boxed gold to character.

    if you cant achieve any of those options any gold drain will be easly avoidable.

    but if it is possible - then I have an idea that not only keeps healthy economy but also work towards leveling alts and thanks to that maintaining low level zones populated all time.

    NOTE: please consider all numbers only my wicked imagination - and in my opinion a quite "hardcore" ones.

    - prevent players from collecting enormous amount of gold that might flood economy at certain point (willingly or not)
    - make AH speculating and artificial prices increase impossible (or at least very hard)

    - make a daily gold drain (i.e. at 00:00 server time) from every character
    - allow a certain "safe amount" of gold that will not count for drain (depends on character level)
    - make several (at least 3) percentage levels of gold drain depending of amount of gold collected
    - example:
    Tier I : character level 1-20 - safe 10g / -10% if 10-15g / -20% if 15-25g / -30% above 25g
    Tier II: character level 21-40 - safe 50g / -10% if 51-100g / -20% if 101-150g / -30% above 150g
    Tier III: character level 41-60 - safe 150g / -10% if 151-200g / -20% if 201-250g / -30% above 250g
    Tier IV: character level 61-70 - safe 500g / -10% if 501-600g / -20% if 601-700g / -30% above 700g
    Tier V: character level 70-81 - safe 1500g / -10% if 1501-2500g / -20% if 2501-3500g / -30% above 3500g

    - forbid players from holding big amounts of gold
    - shorten effect of AH speculating
    - make some achievments harder (hardcore? ;] ) - i.e Kirin Tor rings, Northren mounts
    - benefits players with alts or even more than 1 account - more leveled character allow to hold more safe gold
    - following last point - more players actually level alts means more players in low level zones

    - flood of "shadow" accounts with 10x level 1 just to hold some more gold

    This mechanims works preety well in some games/servers i know.

    What you think about it?
    Edited: October 20, 2015

  15. ok, just had some crazy idea...

    but first of all please tell me - is it tehnically possible to either:
    - drain gold from in-box mails
    - force taking in-boxed gold to character.

    if you cant achieve any of those options any gold drain will be easly avoidable.

    but if it is possible - then I have an idea that not only keeps healthy economy but also work towards leveling alts and thanks to that maintaining low level zones populated all time.

    NOTE: please consider all numbers only my wicked imagination - and in my opinion a quite "hardcore" ones.

    - prevent players from collecting enormous amount of gold that might flood economy at certain point (willingly or not)
    - make AH speculating and artificial prices increase impossible (or at least very hard)

    - make a daily gold drain (i.e. at 00:00 server time) from every character
    - allow a certain "safe amount" of gold that will not count for drain (depends on character level)
    - make several (at least 3) percentage levels of gold drain depending of amount of gold collected
    - example:
    Tier I : character level 1-20 - safe 10g / -10% if 10-15g / -20% if 15-25g / -30% above 25g
    Tier II: character level 21-40 - safe 50g / -10% if 51-100g / -20% if 101-150g / -30% above 150g
    Tier III: character level 41-60 - safe 150g / -10% if 151-200g / -20% if 201-250g / -30% above 250g
    Tier IV: character level 61-70 - safe 500g / -10% if 501-600g / -20% if 601-700g / -30% above 700g
    Tier V: character level 70-81 - safe 1500g / -10% if 1501-2500g / -20% if 2501-3500g / -30% above 3500g

    - forbid players from holding big amounts of gold
    - shorten effect of AH speculating
    - make some achievments harder (hardcore? ;] ) - i.e Kirin Tor rings, Northren mounts
    - benefits players with alts or even more than 1 account - more leveled character allow to hold more safe gold
    - following last point - more players actually level alts means more players in low level zones

    - flood of "shadow" accounts with 10x level 1 just to hold some more gold

    This mechanims works preety well in some games/servers i know.

    What you think about it?
    It's unnecessarily complicated i think, otherwise it is better than the 50% gold drain in 6 months but still is not good enough to be implemented, besides 30% gold drain per day ?! you will make it impossible for anyone to have more than 1500 gold per character thus everyone will be forced to make dozens of characters just to buy a ring it is silly

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