1. Screen spasms when charging/getting cc'ed

    Please tell me I'm not the only one experiencing this outrageously frustrating bug.

    My screen often (not all the time) spasms (character camera switches angles abruptly every 0.3 seconds for around 4 seconds) after charging to a target or after getting cc'ed (stun/snared in place). Excuse my french, but this is totally bull**** because I've experienced this since server release and I'm frankly pissed off that this is still an on-going bug.

    This is literally a worse feeling than falling through the ground after charging to a target (which, also happens a lot). Most importantly, however, this is game changing as a melee class.

    My guess is that this may be due to high latency (I normally play with around 300 ms due to my location). A guild member has also stated that he has experienced the same as I have and he also plays on around 300 ms.

    Is this only happening to people who have high latency? Or have other people with relatively low latency experienced the same frustrating symptoms?

    Bug Tracker: https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/11008 <- please vote it up
    Edited: November 3, 2015

  2. It is because of the anti-cheat. Feral druids using feral charge will often get returned to where they jumped from, it's quite annoying.

  3. It's not just annoying, it's rendering melee pvp useless especially for warriors. If warmane is trying to justify it as anti-cheat, it just doesn't cut it. Warrior charge/intercept is not a cheat. I sincerely hope someone on their side reads this post and decides to do something about it.

  4. I've experienced the same on my rogue. At first I even thought my mouse is playing tricks. So ye this shiz is real.

  5. It's not just annoying, it's rendering melee pvp useless especially for warriors. If warmane is trying to justify it as anti-cheat, it just doesn't cut it. Warrior charge/intercept is not a cheat. I sincerely hope someone on their side reads this post and decides to do something about it.
    A GM, I don't remember who it was - acknowledged a few weeks ago in global chat that the anticheat is too aggressive. I don't know what they will do about it though.

  6. A GM, I don't remember who it was - acknowledged a few weeks ago in global chat that the anticheat is too aggressive. I don't know what they will do about it though.
    my mate ( feral druid ) is experience this porting **** with feral leap too, but i told him its no problem because he wont be able to do anything before wotlk anyways :DD


  7. rip ferals in arena with this antihack =)

  8. Yeap boi I feel ya, charging now gives me seizures.

  9. It's not only with charges,my friend has mage and a hunter and says it happens with blink and disengage also,and it happens when i use my killing spree too,so its alot of classes that have problems with it...i hope it get fixed soon.

  10. Happens in reverse too. I'm a lock, and I get the anti-cheat nonsense getting charged/stunned/root snared sometimes too. It seems most of the time it happens when you get charged/stunned/snared as you are jumping away or mid-air. Worst feeling ever.

  11. Please tell me I'm not the only one experiencing this outrageously frustrating bug.

    My screen often (not all the time) spasms (character camera switches angles abruptly every 0.3 seconds for around 4 seconds) after charging to a target or after getting cc'ed (stun/snared in place). Excuse my french, but this is totally bull**** because I've experienced this since server release and I'm frankly pissed off that this is still an on-going bug.
    Happens sometimes even without CCs being involved. Here what it looks like:

  12. Happens sometimes even without CCs being involved. Here what it looks like:
    Great video proof, this is the exact behaviour.
    Happened to me yesterday as well - I jumped from a 3-4 meter rock and it glitched and then ported me back.

  13. Also happens when you take a boat and you jump into the dock with the boat on movement

  14. It also happens when you get rooted so stop making it sound like it's only warrior's problem.

  15. It also happens when you get rooted so stop making it sound like it's only warrior's problem.
    How about you chill out and go eat a snickers. OP probably only plays a warrior and has only seen it using charge, and thus, reasonably thought it was a bug with charge. Other people have pointed out that it is a much larger bug that just charge.

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